• Which of the following is true about Ionosphere?
    1. Its density is lesser at short distances from planetary surface in morning and further decreases as ionosphere rises at night-time, thereby allowing a greater range of radio frequencies to travel greater distances
    2. Its density is greater at short distances from tplanetary surface in daytime and decreases as ionosphere rises at night-time, thereby allowing a greater range of radio frequencies to travel greater distances
    3. Its density is greater at long distances from planetary surface in daytime and further increases as ionosphere rises at night-time, thereby allowing a greater range of radio frequencies to travel greater distances
    4. None of the above

  • Atmosphere is held in place by?
    1. Pressure of the planetary body
    2. Gravity of the planetary body
    3. Charge of the planetary body
    4. Heat of the planetary body

  • The thermosphere extends from an altitude of ________ to the base of ________ at ________?
    1. 75 km, Mesosphere, 670 km
    2. 80 km, Ionosphere, 680 km
    3. 85 km, Exosphere, 690 km
    4. 90 km, Ozone Layer , 690 km

  • _________ is the layer wherein most meteors are incinerated before reaching the surface.
    1. Troposphere
    2. Stratosphere
    3. Mesosphere
    4. Ionosphere

  • The mesosphere ranges from ________ to _________?
    1. 46 km to 85 km
    2. 48 km to 85 km
    3. 50 km to 85 km
    4. 52 km to 85 km

  • Stratosphere is the atmospheric layer that absorbs most of __________ that Earth receives from the Sun.
    1. Infrared radiation
    2. Ultraviolet radiation
    3. Ozone layer
    4. Radio waves

  • _________ is the atmospheric layer that absorbs most of the ultraviolet radiation that Earth receives from the Sun.
    1. Troposphere
    2. Stratosphere
    3. Mesosphere
    4. Ionosphere

  • Stratosphere is present at an altitude between _________.
    1. 15 km and 35 km
    2. 17 km and 35 km
    3. 18 km and 35 km
    4. 19 km and 35 km

  • _________ extends from the top of the troposphere to the bottom of the mesosphere.
    1. Thermosphere
    2. Ionosphere
    3. Stratosphere
    4. None of the above

  • The height of the troposphere varies between ____________.
    1. 7 km at equator and 17 km at poles
    2. 17 km at equator and 7 km at poles
    3. 18 km at equator and 8 km at poles
    4. 8 km at equator and 18 km at poles

  • ____________ contains 75–80 % of the mass of the atmosphere.
    1. Stratosphere
    2. Mesosphere
    3. Thermosphere
    4. Troposphere

  • Troposphere extends from planetary surface to bottom of __________?
    1. Stratosphere
    2. Mesosphere
    3. Troposphere
    4. Thermosphere

  • __________ is the lowest layer of the atmosphere.
    1. Stratosphere
    2. Mesosphere
    3. Troposphere
    4. Thermosphere

  • The presence of ice in which region of the moon has been conclusively established?
    1. Southern pole region
    2. Northern pole region
    3. Equator
    4. All of the above

  • The Saturn V rocket that took Apollo 11 to the moon in 1969 stood tall?
    1. 363-feet
    2. 364-feet
    3. 365-feet
    4. 366-feet

  • The extremely cold temperatures in the polar region of moon mean that it can act as a kind of __________ where things do not undergo much change.
    1. Time capsule
    2. Light capsule
    3. Meta capsule
    4. Natural capsule

  • What is the 2nd closest galaxy to the Milky Way?
    1. Triangulum
    2. Andromeda
    3. Messier 81
    4. Whirlpool

  • LPG consists mainly of : ___________?
    1. Methane,Ethane and Hexane
    2. Ethane,Hexane andNonane
    3. Methane,Butane and Propane
    4. All of these

  • The main constituent of Pearls are: ______________?
    1. Calcium oxide andAmmonium Chloride
    2. Calcium Carbonate andMegnesium Carbonate
    3. Aragonite and Conchiolin
    4. None of these

  • Water is a good solvent of ionic salts because:
    1. It has a high specific heat
    2. It has no colour
    3. It has a high dipole moment
    4. None of these

  • Which scientist is known as modern father of Astronomy ?
    1. Einstein
    2. Newton
    3. Copernicus
    4. Archimedes

  • According to Quark theory, there are _________ elementary particles.
    1. Three
    2. Six
    3. Nine
    4. Ten

  • Which is the New & Most Important Culprit damaging the ozone Layer?
    1. Carbon Dioxide
    2. Chlorofluoro Carbons
    3. Nitrous Oxide
    4. Carbon Monoxide

  • Pluto is known as dwarf planet because which of the following reason/s:
    1. It has negligible mass
    2. It has not nearly round shaped
    3. It does not have always same neighbouring planet
    4. All of the above

  • Which of the following phenomena of light are involved in the formation of a rainbow?
    1. Refraction
    2. Dispersion
    3. Total internal reflection
    4. All of the above