• Comets are often called what?
    1. Dusty snowballs
    2. Filthy snowballs
    3. Dirty snowballs
    4. Impure snowballs

  • As comets get close to the sun, they start to ";melt"; and release gas and dust. This gas and dust forms what?
    1. ";coma"; around the comet';s nucleus and a long tail that points away from the sun
    2. ";coma"; that points away from the sun and a long tail around the comet';s nucleus
    3. Only ";coma"; around the comet';s nucleus
    4. Only a long tail that points away from the sun

  • Comets are made mostly of ice and dust. As comets get close to the sun, they start to ";melt"; and release what?
    1. Steam and dust
    2. Gas and dust
    3. Steam, gas and dust
    4. None of the above

  • Comets are made mostly of ______________?
    1. Ice and dust
    2. Dust and lights
    3. Ice, dust and lights
    4. All of the above

  • The moon';s surface has been explored by how many astronauts?
    1. 10
    2. 11
    3. 12
    4. 13

  • The moon has a large, circular basin called _____________?
    1. the Simerian Basin
    2. the Inbrium Basin
    3. the Imbrium Basin
    4. Black Bowl Basin

  • Which one of the following is true?
    1. The moon has both atmosphere and magnetic field
    2. The moon has no atmosphere or magnetic field
    3. The moon has atmosphere but no magnetic field
    4. The moon has magnetic field but no atmosphere

  • The moon';s surface temperature varies from about ________ to _________ ?
    1. -; 173 degrees Celsius at night to 127 degrees Celsius during the day
    2. -; 172 degrees Celsius at night to 172 degrees Celsius during the day
    3. Remains constant during day and night
    4. -; 170 degrees Celsius at night to 107 degrees Celsius during the day

  • The height at which atmospheric pressure declines by a factor of e (an irrational number equal to 2.71828) is called __________.
    1. Average height (H)
    2. Scale height (H)
    3. Mean height (H)
    4. Standard height (H)

  • Exosphere interacts with ___________ of Earth at roughly distance of 10,000 km.
    1. Electrosphere
    2. Magnetosphere
    3. Spectrosphere
    4. Echosphere

  • _________ contains ozone layer.
    1. Thermosphere
    2. Exosphere
    3. Lithosphere
    4. Stratosphere

  • __________ contains the ozone layer.
    1. Troposphere
    2. Stratosphere
    3. Mesosphere
    4. Ionosphere

  • __________ is the atmospheric layer wherein the weather occurs.
    1. Troposphere
    2. Stratosphere
    3. Mesosphere
    4. Thermosphere

  • Which is the largest organ in the human body?
    1. Liver
    2. Heart
    3. Skin
    4. Kidney

  • Which of the following is used as a lubricant?
    1. Graphite
    2. Silica
    3. Iron oxide
    4. Diamond

  • Which of the following was first to be discovered in the chromospheres of the sun?
    1. Krypton
    2. Xenon
    3. Neon
    4. Helium

  • The two elements that are frequently used for making transistors are :
    1. Boron and aluminium
    2. Silicon and Germanium
    3. Iridium and Tungston
    4. None of these

  • Permanent hardness of water can be removed by adding __________?
    1. Chlorine
    2. Washing soda
    3. Bleaching powder
    4. None of these

  • In fireworks,the green flame is produced because of __________?
    1. Sodium
    2. Barium
    3. Mercury
    4. Potassium

  • Lingxi-03, developed by Galaxy Space, was launched using a ___________ carrier rocket.
    1. Long March-3D
    2. Long March-2D
    3. Vertical March-3D
    4. Orbital March-2D

  • When in the part of its orbit closest to the Sun, Pluto has an atmosphere of nitrogen and methane similar to Triton';s, but what happens when it is farther from the Sun ?
    1. These gases are frozen
    2. These gases are volatile
    3. These gases are not present
    4. These gases are like plasma

  • Titan, a moon of __________ , and Triton, a moon of _________ , have atmospheres mainly of _________.
    1. Saturn, Jupiter, Hydrogen
    2. Uranus, Neptune, Nitrogen
    3. Saturn, Neptune, Nitrogen
    4. Mars, Venus, Hydrogen

  • The planet retains an atmosphere when?
    1. Gravity is low and temperature of atmosphere is great
    2. Gravity and temperature both are great
    3. Gravity and temperature both are constant
    4. Gravity is great and temperature of atmosphere is low

  • Atmospheric pressure is the force (per unit-area) perpendicular to a unit-area of planetary surface, as determined by _________.
    1. Mass of vertical column of atmospheric gases
    2. Mass of horizontal column of atmospheric gases
    3. Weight of vertical column of atmospheric gases
    4. Mass of vertical and weight of horizontal of atmospheric gases

  • ___________ begins at 690 to 1,000 km from the surface, and extends to roughly 10,000 km.
    1. Troposphere
    2. Mesosphere
    3. Exosphere
    4. Stratosphere