• The Third Battle of Panipat was fought between ?
    1. Babur and Ibrahim Lodi
    2. Akbar and Lal Singh
    3. Ahmed Shah and Balaji Baji Rao

  • The Second battle of Panipat was fought between ?
    1. Akbar and Lal Singh
    2. Ahmed Shah and Balaji Baji Rao
    3. Tamerlane and Behlol Lodi

  • The First battle of panipat was fought between __________ ?
    1. Akbar and Lal Singh
    2. Ahmed Shah and Balaji Baji Rao
    3. Tamerlane and Behlol Lodi

  • Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent ruled from ___________ ?
    1. 1520 to 1566
    2. 1525 to 1570
    3. 1630 to 1665
    4. 1640 to 1680

  • ";Port of Khor Al Zubair "; is the seaport of which country?
    1. Iraq
    2. Iran
    3. Oman
    4. Qatar

  • Which one of the following seaport is the largest seaport of Iran ?
    1. None of these

  • "; Port of Bushehr "; is the seaport of ________ ?
    1. Iran
    2. Iraq
    3. Italy
    4. Ireland

  • Which is the national flower of Romania ?

  • Leonardo Da Vinci was an inventor, scientist and engineer of ________ ?
    1. Florence
    2. Geneva
    3. Genoa
    4. Turin

  • Council of Trent was held from _________ ?
    1. 1545 to 1563
    2. 1550 to 1556
    3. 1560 to 1563
    4. 1540 to 1545

  • Reformation started in which country _________ ?
    1. France
    2. England
    3. Germany
    4. Spain

  • Who first discovered Machu Picchu?
    1. Hiram Bingham
    2. Joseph lister
    3. John marshal
    4. John Walker

  • Gatun Lake is located in________?
    1. Azerbijan
    2. USA
    3. Panama
    4. Chili

  • SNAS Aviation is a air line of which country?
    1. Saudi Arabia
    2. Slovenia
    3. Swedon
    4. South Africa
    5. Saudi Arabian Airlines (الخطوط الجوية العربية السعودية), is the national carrier airline of Saudi Arabia, based in Jeddah.

  • Which country is the third biggest producer of uranium?
    1. Kazakhstan
    2. Canada
    3. Pakistan
    4. Australia

  • The first European to reach India by sea was__________?
    1. John Cabot
    2. Marco Polo
    3. Christopher Columbus
    4. Vasco da Gama

  • What is the name of Capital of Nigeria?
    1. Helsinki
    2. Niamey
    3. Abuja
    4. ulaanbator

  • Which country has their currency in rupee?
    1. Croatia
    2. Iran
    3. Seychelles
    4. None

  • What do you mean by Syntax?
    1. Study of speech sounds
    2. Study of meaning of words
    3. Study of constructing sentence
    4. Constructing passage

  • What do you mean by Phonetics?
    1. Study of speech sounds
    2. Study of language and rules
    3. Study of insects
    4. Study of meaning and syntax

  • which is the national flower of Portugal?
    1. Rose
    2. Lavender

  • The Battle of Hattin was fight in _________ ?
    1. 1178
    2. 1187
    3. 1200

  • Saladin took back Jerusalem after the Battle of________ ?
    1. Ajnadin
    2. Zama
    3. Ain u Jalloot
    4. Hittin

  • Which of the following Country has not been recognized by Pakistan?
    1. Georgia
    2. Kiribati
    3. Armenia
    4. Albania
    5. None of the above

  • Who was the First Norman king of England?
    1. William
    2. Bjorn
    3. Harold Godwin son
    4. Henry