• International day to end impunity for crimes against journalists observed every year on_________?
    1. 1 November
    2. 2 November
    3. 3 November
    4. 4 November

  • When was the border disputes settled between the US and Mexico?
    1. 1960
    2. 1970
    3. 1975
    4. 1980

  • How many US states border the Gulf of Mexico?
    1. 3
    2. 5
    3. 9
    4. 13

  • Fidel Castro was the president of___________?
    1. Spain
    2. Poland
    3. Cuba
    4. South Africa

  • Dampier is the seaport of____________?
    1. Australia
    2. Denmark
    3. Dublin
    4. Italy

  • Which city is called as ';Queen of Adriatic';?
    1. Rome
    2. Paris
    3. London
    4. Venice

  • Which Country from following, having No border line with Afghanistan?
    1. Turkemanistan
    2. Kyrgyzstan
    3. Tajikistan
    4. Uzbekistan

  • ";Big Apple"; is a nickname of___________?
    1. Canada
    2. New York
    3. China
    4. Russia

  • A bird that can fly backwards?
    1. Bat
    2. Humming Bird
    3. Crimson Sun Bird
    4. Cardinal Bird

  • Gwadar became part of Pakistan on September 8,____________?
    1. 1949
    2. 1955
    3. 1958
    4. 1972

  • The largest Island in the world is Greenland, which is largest Island in Indian Ocean?
    1. Borneo
    2. Madagascar
    3. Java
    4. Sunda

  • Through which one of the following countries the equator does not pass?
    1. Zaire (Congo)
    2. Kenya
    3. Uganda
    4. Tanzania

  • ";Last Judgement"; is the famous painting of___________?
    1. Rembrandt
    2. Michel Angelo
    3. Pablo Picasso
    4. Leonardo de Vinci

  • What is the range of panama canal ?
    1. 82 km
    2. 90 km
    3. 100 km
    4. 120 km

  • Who was the first Chairman of Pakistan atomic energy commission?
    1. Dr. I.H. Usmani
    2. Dr. Muhammad Abdus salam
    3. Dr Nazeer Ahmed
    4. Mr. Saleem Mehmud

  • Pakistan Space and Upper Atmosphere Research Commission (SUPARCO), the national space agency, was established in 1961 as a Committee and was granted the status of a Commission in 1981.Who led the foundation of SUPARCO?
    1. Dr. I.H Usmani
    2. Dr Sibte nabi Naqvi
    3. Dr. Abdus Salam
    4. Dr. Saleem-uzaman Siddique

  • During its 74th Plenary Meeting, the United Nations (UN) General Assembly 72nd Session has proclaimed 2019 as the International Year of the____________?
    1. Climate Change
    2. Forest Conservation
    3. Cancer
    4. Periodic table of chemical elements

  • Whose sword was named "; Excalibur";?
    1. King James';
    2. Sir Lancelot';s
    3. Sir Mexalot';s
    4. King Arthur';s

  • What is human body';s largest organ according to 2018 discovery?
    1. Skin
    2. Liver
    3. Interstitium
    4. None

  • Which vegetable is Toxic For Dogs?
    1. Onion
    2. Carrot
    3. Peas
    4. Potato

  • On which continent do Jaguars live?
    1. Australia
    2. America
    3. Europe
    4. Antarctica

  • Which U.S President said, ";I am not a crook.";
    1. Ford
    2. Nixon
    3. Kenndy
    4. Clinton

  • Suez Canal was nationalized in July 1956 by Egypt';s President Gamal Abdul Nasser. In which year Suez Canal was constructed ?
    1. 1859
    2. 1869
    3. 1879
    4. 1889

  • Rabat is the capital of____________?
    1. Peru
    2. Surinam
    3. Bolivia
    4. Morocco

  • Which city is called the ';City of Palaces'; ?
    1. Geneva
    2. Cairo
    3. Rome
    4. Mexico City