• Honey bee eyes are?
    1. 3
    2. 4
    3. 5
    4. None of These

  • There are __________ members of SAARC?
    1. 5
    2. 6
    3. 7
    4. 8

  • Which Country from the following is NOT the member of UNO?
    1. Vatican City
    2. Afghanistan
    3. North Korea
    4. Vaitnam

  • Which is the capital of Angola?
    1. Baku
    2. Canberra
    3. Luanda
    4. Manama

  • How much containers have been used to built stadium 974?
    1. 963
    2. 974
    3. 985
    4. None of These

  • Where is stadium 974 is located?
    1. England
    2. Pakistan
    3. Qatar
    4. UAE

  • Hanging gardens in Babylon were located in Iraq which was built by ________ Babylonian king
    1. Nebuchadnezzar
    2. Nabopollasar
    3. Sargon
    4. Hummarbi

  • Lombard street is located in San Francisco and it is also called as _________?
    1. Crookedest street
    2. Fleet street
    3. Bond street
    4. Harley street

  • Which is the highest airport in the world?
    1. jinnah airport Karachi.
    2. jida airport Saudi Arabia
    3. Daocheng Yading Airport China
    4. None of These

  • Which is the largest Province of Afghanistan by Population?
    1. Qandhar
    2. Mizar-e-Sharif
    3. Kabul
    4. Ghazni

  • Hally';s comet last seen in 1986,next will be in ?
    1. 2031
    2. 3051
    3. 2061
    4. None of These

  • which is the smallest state of India by Population?
    1. Sikkim
    2. Himachal Pradesh
    3. Tellanga
    4. Bihar

  • Which is the largest State of India by Population?
    1. Tamil Nadu
    2. Maharashtra
    3. Utter Pradesh
    4. None of These

  • which is the smallest state of India by Area?
    1. Orrisa
    2. Karnataka
    3. Goa
    4. Kerala

  • Which is the largest state of India by Area?
    1. West Bengal
    2. Madhia Pardesh
    3. Rajistan
    4. None of These

  • Which is the smallest province of Iran by Population?
    1. Gillan
    2. Ilham Province
    3. Kurdistan
    4. Fars

  • Which is the largest province of iran by population?
    1. Sistan Balochistan
    2. Khorasan-e- Rizvi
    3. Kerman
    4. Tehran

  • What is the population of the world in 2022.?
    1. 6 billion
    2. 7 billion
    3. 8 billion
    4. 9 billion

  • Saudi Arabia celebrates its national day on _________?
    1. September 23
    2. September 25
    3. September 24
    4. September 21

  • Reuters is united kingdom based new agency founded by Paul Reuter in ________?
    1. 1851 A.D
    2. 1817 A.D
    3. 1901 A.D
    4. 1830 A.D

  • What border did the Great Wall of China protect?
    1. Western Border
    2. Southern Border
    3. Eastern Border
    4. Northern Border

  • which is the smallest Province of Afghanistan by Area?
    1. Pakhtia
    2. Kunar
    3. Kapisa
    4. Herat

  • which is the largest Province of Afghanistan by Area?
    1. Qandhar
    2. Helmand
    3. Paktika
    4. Badakhshan

  • Which of the following is the largest city situated on the Europe';s longest river, Volga?
    1. Moscow
    2. Baku
    3. Tbilisi
    4. Kazan

  • Thailand is also known as __________?
    1. the land of free
    2. the land of lights
    3. the land of flowers
    4. None of These