• In the Washington D.C, D.C signifies____________?
    1. District of coordinated states
    2. District of Croatia
    3. District of Columbia
    4. District centralized

  • Which Two States donated lands for Washington DC?
    1. Columbia and Maryland
    2. Maryland and Virginia
    3. Virginia and Columbia
    4. Virginia and Queensland

  • The Capital of America Washington D.C was founded in__________?
    1. 1891
    2. 1790
    3. 1691
    4. 1091

  • Who used the slogan "; Make america great again (MAGA)"; during election Campaign in America?
    1. Donald Trump
    2. Ronald Reagan
    3. George Washington
    4. Hillary Clinton

  • The highest Building of Pakistan is__________?
    1. Headquarter of MCB
    2. Pakistan stock exchange
    3. Icon Tower
    4. Marriott Hotel

  • The first passport issued by the Ayub regime in__________?
    1. 1973
    2. 1960
    3. 1963
    4. 1970

  • The distance of mercury from sun is__________?
    1. 56 million km
    2. 57.9 million km
    3. 58.9 million km
    4. 59.1 million

  • The largest wheat producing country in the world is___________?
    1. USA
    2. India
    3. Pakistan
    4. China

  • Yuan is the Currency of which Country?
    1. Japan
    2. China
    3. India
    4. Canada

  • Which country has the largest Hindu population?
    1. Sri Lanka
    2. India
    3. Nepal
    4. Bhutan

  • According to Area the Largest District of Khyber PakhtunKhwa is _____________ ?
    1. Peshawar
    2. Swat
    3. Chitral
    4. Mardan

  • KYODO is the news agency of_________?
    1. Japan
    2. India
    3. China
    4. Pakistan

  • Norway';s capital is OSLO. What was the old name of OSLO?
    1. Christiania
    2. Layalpur
    3. Mesopotamia
    4. Svalbard

  • For how many years did Nelson Mandela remain in prison?
    1. 37
    2. 33
    3. 31
    4. 27

  • Who is the author of diplomacy?
    1. Henry Kissinger
    2. Ronald Reagan
    3. Barack Obama
    4. Donald Trump

  • Hanoi is the capital of__________?
    1. Ukraine
    2. Myanmar
    3. Libya
    4. Vietnam

  • Which is the national flower of Russia ?
    1. Rose

  • When was helicopter developed?
    1. 1935
    2. 1939
    3. 1852
    4. 1923

  • Who is the Richest man in the world (2018)?
    1. Jeff Bezos
    2. Mark Zuckerberg
    3. Amancio Ortega
    4. Bill Gates

  • Which is the old city of Pakistan?
    1. Karachi
    2. Lahore
    3. Multan
    4. Badin

  • During the first trip of Donald Trump to Saudi Arabia, the two countries signed a __________ arms deal?
    1. $110 billion
    2. $140 billion
    3. $80 billion
    4. $50 billion

  • United States president, Donald Trump, made his first foreign trip to__________?
    1. Israel
    2. Great Britain
    3. Saudi Arabia
    4. Russia

  • Dr Abdul Qadeer Khan National Hero and Father of Pakistan';s nuclear bomb was born in which City of britsish india?
    1. Mumbai
    2. New Dehli
    3. Kolkata
    4. Bhopal

  • Quaid-e-Azam trophy is the tournament of ?
    1. football
    2. hockey
    3. cricket
    4. squash

  • Pakistan';s standard time equivalent to ?
    1. GMT+2
    2. GMT+5
    3. GMT+6
    4. GMT+9