• In 1991, prompted by domestic political reforms and democratic momentum in the countries within its orbit, the Soviet Union disintegrated into Russia and?
    1. Thirteen other countries
    2. Fourteen other countries
    3. Fifteen other countries
    4. Sixteen other countries

  • Whose entrance into NATO prompted the Soviet Union to create its own alliance: the Warsaw Pact?
    1. Austria
    2. East Germany
    3. Poland
    4. West Germany

  • In the words of NATO’s first secretary-general, the purpose of NATO was to?
    1. “keep the Soviet Union out, the Americans in, and the French down”
    2. “keep the Soviet Union and Germans out, the Americans in, and the French down”
    3. “keep the Soviet Union out, the Americans in, and the Germans down”
    4. “only keep the Soviet Union out”

  • SACEUR is a position which leads NATO’s military operations. It stands for?
    1. Supreme Alliance Commander Europe
    2. Supreme Allied Commander Europe
    3. Supreme Atlantic Commander for Europe
    4. Supreme Affiliated Commander Europe

  • What is name of position which leads NATO’s military operations?
    1. SACEUR
    2. SCAEUR
    3. EURSCA
    4. CASEUR

  • The Supreme Allied Commander Europe (SACEUR) in NATO is held by?
    1. Always by America
    2. Rotated among alliance countries
    3. Given in order of priority of accession to alliance
    4. None of the above

  • IAMD stands for?
    1. Integral Aerospace and Missile Detachment
    2. International Air and Micro-avionics Deployment
    3. Integrated Air and Missile Defence
    4. Isolated Aggressive Military Defence

  • First and only time when Article 5 of NATO';s founding treaty was invoked?
    1. 9/11
    2. Just before end of cold war
    3. Just after end of cold war
    4. None of the above

  • What marked the start of NATO’s transformation from a purely defensive alliance into a large, coordinated, and powerful military force operating beyond its members’ borders?
    1. Bombing campaign on Czechs
    2. Bombing campaign on Bosnian Serbs
    3. Bombing campaign on Afghanistan
    4. Bombing campaign on Iraq

  • Main objectives of NATO';s initiative Partnership for Peace were?
    1. Forming relationships with former Soviet countries and demonstrating that NATO is the most powerfully organization
    2. Forming relationships with former Soviet countries and demonstrating that NATO did not intend to disappear after the Cold War
    3. Demonstrating that NATO did not intend to disappear after the Cold War and NATO is the most powerfully organization
    4. None of the above

  • Which island is shared by Germany and Poland?
    1. Olowianka
    2. Usedom
    3. Slodowa
    4. None of the above

  • The longest EU-funded underwater tunnel in Europe opened in Poland will connect which two islands?
    1. Usedom and Wolin
    2. Ostro and Konski
    3. Port and Chelminek
    4. Olowianka and Karsibor

  • The longest EU-funded underwater tunnel in Europe has been opened in?
    1. Germany
    2. Belgium
    3. Finland
    4. Poland

  • A peace treaty that ended the thirty-year conflict between Egypt and Israel is called?
    1. Oslo Accords
    2. Abraham Accords
    3. Camp David Accords
    4. Peace Process Accords

  • Why Scotland is not included in Britain?
    1. British is a term used to refer to Greek territory of Britannia Major, an area that was conquered by Greeks. Greeks never conquered Scotland
    2. British is a term used to refer to Barbarian territory of Britannia Major, an area that was conquered by Barbarians. Barbarians never conquered Scotland
    3. British is a term used to refer to Roman territory of Britannia Major, an area that was conquered by Romans. Romans never conquered Scotland
    4. Due to political differences

  • How can we describe UK?
    1. England + Northern Ireland
    2. Britain + Northern Ireland
    3. Great Britain + Northern Ireland
    4. England

  • What is difference between Britain and Great Britain?
    1. Great Britain refers to Wales and England while Britain refers to Wales, England, and Scotland
    2. Britain refers to Wales and England while Great Britain refers to Wales, England, and Scotland
    3. Britain refers to Wales and England while Great Britain refers to Wales, England, Scotland and Northern Ireland
    4. Both are same

  • Under terms outlined at _________ , Soviet Premier Joseph Stalin was given temporary control of Poland and a portion of Germany.
    1. Dalta and Dotsam Conferences
    2. Yalta and Potsdam Conferences
    3. Yalta and Dalta Conferences
    4. Dotsam and Potsdam Conferences

  • Bali is an Indonesian Island which is a _________ Island.
    1. Muslim
    2. Jewish
    3. Buddhist
    4. Hindu

  • Who is the longest serving ruler of Indonesia?
    1. General Suharto
    2. Joko Widodo
    3. Sukamo
    4. None of These

  • There are only __________ mountains in the world which are over 8000m/26,247ft above sea level.
    1. 20
    2. 18
    3. 16
    4. 14

  • The height of Manaslu mountain is ___________?
    1. 8163m/26,781ft
    2. 8516m/27,940ft
    3. 8463m/27,766ft
    4. 8167m/26,795ft

  • The height of Dhaulagiri mountain is ____________?
    1. 8586m/28,169ft
    2. 8516m/27,940ft
    3. 8463m/27,766ft
    4. 8167m/26,795ft

  • The height of Cho Oyu mountain is __________?
    1. 8586m/28,169ft
    2. 8516m/27,940ft
    3. 8463m/27,766ft
    4. 8201m/26,906ft

  • The height of Makalu mountain is __________?
    1. 8586m/28,169ft
    2. 8516m/27,940ft
    3. 8463m/27,766ft
    4. 8848m/29,028ft