• Abdullah bin Ubay was a ________?
    1. Jew
    2. Christian
    3. Hypocrite
    4. Great leader

  • Prayers which were essential in the early period of Islam?
    1. Fajar and Zuhar
    2. Fajr and Isha
    3. Fajr and Asar
    4. Fajr and Magrib

  • The first color of The Holy prophet';s dome was _________?
    1. green
    2. white
    3. yellow
    4. red

  • Namaz-e-Khasoof is offered at the time of __________ ?
    1. Lunar eclipse
    2. Solar eclipse
    3. earthquake
    4. heavy rain

  • __________ takes out souls of life bearing creatures.
    1. Jibrael (A.S)
    2. Mikael (A.S)
    3. Israfeel (A.S)
    4. Izraeel (A.S)

  • Name the Angel who was appointed to deliver messages to Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) from Allah?
    1. Jibrael (A.S)
    2. Mikael (A.S)
    3. Israfeel (A.S)
    4. Izraeel (A.S)

  • King Herodus was the ruler of Palestine at the birth of Hazrat Issa (AS); and he ordered the execution of _____________ who was son of Hazrat Zakriya (AS) and cousin of Hazrat Issa (AS)?
    1. Hazrat Loot (AS)
    2. Hazrat Hood (AS)
    3. Hazrat Haroon (AS)
    4. Hazrat Yahya (AS)

  • Transoxiana was conquered in the reign of ________________Umayyad caliph.
    1. Al Walid bin Abdul malik
    2. Sulemain bin Abdul Malik
    3. Hisham
    4. None of these

  • Khateeb-ul-Ambia was the title of __________.
    1. Prophet Dawood (A.S)
    2. Prophet Nooh (A.S)
    3. Prophet Yaqoob (A.S)
    4. Prophet Shoaib (A.S)

  • The brothers who sold the land for Masjid e Nabawi belonged to the __________tribe:
    1. Banu Hashim
    2. Banu Qarizah
    3. Banu Najjar
    4. None of these

  • How many times word ";Qul"; has been repeated in the Holy Quran?
    1. 332
    2. 432
    3. 532
    4. 632

  • Holy Quran was first translated into Latin in:
    1. 1143
    2. 1145
    3. 1154
    4. None of These

  • Sahib Bukhari was compiled by Imam Muhammad Ibn e Ismail al Bukhari and it contains _________ Hadees
    1. 7397
    2. 6730
    3. 5915
    4. None of These

  • Who was the 1st Sahabi to get buried in Jannat ul Baqi?
    1. Hazrat Zaid Bin Haris RA
    2. As’asd bin Zararah RA
    3. Hazrat Zain ul Abideen RA
    4. Hazrat Usman e Ghani RA

  • When did Abu Sufyan embrace Islam ?
    1. 7th hijrah
    2. 8th hijrah
    3. 9th hijrah
    4. None of These

  • Who threw the first arrow for Islam against the infidels?
    1. Hazrat Ameer Hamza R.A
    2. Hazrat Obadiah bin Harris R.A
    3. Hazrat Saad bin Abi Waqas  R.A
    4. Hazrat Ali R.A

  • What was the mother';s name of Hazrat Umar Farooq (R.A)?
    1. Hantamah bint Hisham
    2. Safiyah
    3. Jaweriyah
    4. None of Above

  • What is the mother';s name of Hazrat Annas r.a ?
    1. Hazrat Um -e Aeman (RA)
    2. Hazrat Um -e Umara (RA)
    3. Hazrat Um -e Ruman (RA)
    4. Hazrat Um -e Saleem (RA)

  • What was the father';s name of Hazrat Annas R.A ?
    1. Hazrat Malik
    2. Hazrat Harris
    3. Hazrat Nasar
    4. Hazrat Abdullah

  • When Hazrat Amina (R.A) dead at the place of ";Abwa"; who was looking after Hazrat Muhammad pbuh?
    1. Hazrat Um -e Ruman
    2. Hazrat Um -e Umara
    3. Hazrat Um -e Kulsoom
    4. Hazrat Um -e Aeman

  • What is the relationship between Abdul Rahman and Hazrat Aisha (R.A)?
    1. Brother and sister
    2. Only neighborhood
    3. No relationship
    4. None of These

  • What was the mother';s name of Hazrat Aisha (R.A) ?
    1. Hazrat Um-e Emman (R.A)
    2. Hazrat Um-e Umara  (R.A)
    3. Hazrat Um-e Ruman (R.A)
    4. Hazrat Um-e Kulsoom (R.A)

  • How many tribes of jews were there in Medina?
    1. 2
    2. 3
    3. 4
    4. 6

  • How many times has the Quran stressed about Salaat or Namaz paryers ?
    1. 500
    2. 66
    3. 700
    4. None of These

  • What was the first profession of Prophet Muhammad?
    1. sailing
    2. Trade
    3. Livestock
    4. Gardening