• Hazarat Usman (RA) did belong to __________?
    1. Banu Ummaya
    2. Banu Tamim
    3. Banu Zuhra
    4. None of these

  • Hazarat Abu Sufyan (RA) did belonged to ____________?
    1. Banu Asad
    2. Banu Ummaya
    3. Banu Adi
    4. None of these

  • Jannat al-Baqi( جَـنَّـة الْـبَـقِـيْـع‎) is a ____________.
    1. Mosque
    2. Cemetery
    3. Heaven name
    4. Both A and C

  • How many years after the Hazrat Adam A.S the event of Toofan-e-Noah occurred?
    1. 2242 years
    2. 2252 years
    3. 2262 years
    4. 2270 years

  • Duration of toofan-e-Nooh?
    1. 8 months
    2. 9 months
    3. 6 months
    4. 7 months

  • Prophet addressed Khutba-e-Jumaa for first time in _________ Hijrah ?
    1. 1st
    2. 2nd
    3. 3rd
    4. 4th

  • Who was the youngest son of Hazrat Muhammad (SAW)?
    1. Hazrat Abdullah
    2. Hazrat Qasim
    3. Hazrat Ibrahim
    4. Hazrat Abdurrehman

  • In which Battle Muslim women participated for the first time?
    1. Uhad battle
    2. Battle of Trench
    3. Tabook battle
    4. Badr battle
    5. None of these

  • Who put circles for the first time in Quran-e-Pak?
    1. Imam Malik R.A
    2. Imam Shafi R.A
    3. Hazart Abu al-Aswad al-Du';ali RA
    4. All of these

  • What was the mother name of Hazrat Abdul Mutlib?
    1. Fatima
    2. Habiba
    3. Haleema
    4. Salmah

  • Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddiq (R.A.) caliphate Era is from ______ Hijri?
    1. 11 to 12 Hijri
    2. 11 to 13 Hijri
    3. 11 to 14 Hijri
    4. 11 to 15 Hijri
    5. 632–634

  • The Muslims invaded Spain in ____________?
    1. 711 A.D
    2. 722 A.D
    3. 706 A.D
    4. 730 A.D

  • Who lead Muslim forces during the ";Crusades";?
    1. Harun-Ur-Rashid
    2. Walid-bin-Abdul Malik
    3. Salah-ud-Din Ayubi
    4. Ahmad Shah Qachar

  • How many times the word ";zakat"; came together with ";salat"; in Quran?
    1. 28
    2. 32
    3. 46
    4. None of these

  • Sa';ad bin abi Waqas was the governor of iraq in the reign of __________?
    1. Hazrat Abu Bakar (R.A)
    2. Hazrat Umar (R.A)
    3. Hazrat Usman (R.A)
    4. Hazrat Ali (R.A)

  • Who was the first killer of the world?
    1. Habeel
    2. Qabeel
    3. Abu Jahil
    4. None of these

  • Name the Sahaba Who lagged behind and did not answer the call to fight in the Battle of Tabuk?
    1. Hazrat kaab bin Malik R.A
    2. Hazrat Hilal bin Umiyah R.A
    3. Hazrat Murarah R.A
    4. All of these

  • Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) had __________ daughters.
    1. 1
    2. 2
    3. 3
    4. 4

  • What was the name of Imam Bukhari (R.A)?
    1. Muhammad bin Ismaeel
    2. Muhammad Ismaeel
    3. Muhammad Ibraheem
    4. Ismaeel bin Ibraheem

  • To which Prophet the Zabur was revealed by Allah?
    1. Prophet Ibraheem (A.S)
    2. Prophet Dawood (A.S)
    3. Prophet Moosa (A.S)
    4. Prophet Essa (A.S)

  • Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) had __________ sons.
    1. 1
    2. 2
    3. 3
    4. 4

  • To which Prophet the Injeel was revealed by Allah?
    1. Prophet Ibraheem (A.S)
    2. Prophet Dawood (A.S)
    3. Prophet Moosa (A.S)
    4. Prophet Essa (A.S)

  • Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) belonged to __________ family?
    1. Hashmi
    2. Quraishi
    3. Makki
    4. Madni

  • What is the original name of iblis?
    1. Azazil
    2. Janaha
    3. Chaleepa
    4. None of these

  • In which sea Firon was drowned?
    1. Mediterranean sea
    2. Arabian sea
    3. Qulzum sea
    4. None of these