• Dr. Ruth Pfau, also known as the mother Teresa of Pakistan died on___________?
    1. 8 August, 2017
    2. 9 August, 2017
    3. 10 August, 2017
    4. 11 August, 2017

  • Urdu translation of Shah latif Jo Risalo , was made by?
    1. Shaikh ayaz
    2. Makhdoom Bilal
    3. DR Nabi Bux Baloch
    4. No one did in Urdu .

  • Sindh was conquered by Mohd bin Qasim during the _____ period
    1. Umayyads
    2. Abbasids
    3. Tulun
    4. Idrisids

  • Sindhu Muhinje Saah Mein"; Famous book of Sindhi literature , written by__________?
    1. G.M Syed
    2. Amar Jaleel
    3. Sheikh Ayaz
    4. Ustaad Bukhari

  • which of following places is the rainiest of Pakistan?
    1. Murree
    2. Quetta
    3. karachi
    4. zairat

  • The Noor Mahal is located in___________?
    1. Bahawalpur
    2. Multan
    3. Khairpur
    4. Sukker

  • The Sindh assembly was the first British Indian legislature to pass the resolution in favour of Pakistan , who moved the resolution
    1. G.M Syed
    2. Ubaid-Ullah sindhi
    3. Ghulam Hussain Hadyatullah
    4. Quaid e Azam Himself

  • the faiz mehal is located in__________?
    1. sahiwal
    2. Multan
    3. khairpur
    4. sukker

  • Name the Powerful Country which offered help to the Pakistan Army before surrendering in Dhaka during 1971 war?
    1. United kingdom
    2. United States
    3. France
    4. Russia

  • Who was the CM of Balochistan having shortest time in Office?
    1. Sardar Attaullah Mengal.
    2. Aslam Raisani
    3. Abdul Qadoos Bazenjo
    4. Zulfiqar Magsi

  • According to the latest WHO 2015 Report, What is the average age of Pakistan?
    1. 45.2
    2. 50.4
    3. 55.3
    4. 66.4

  • Who supported Pan-islamism is the sub continent?
    1. Syed Ameer Ali
    2. Liaqat Ali Khan
    3. None of them

  • Swat Valley is situated in the mountain range of___________?
    1. Hindukush
    2. Karakorum
    3. Himalayas
    4. None of the above

  • Mother of Dina Wadia was _________?
    1. Emibai
    2. Ratan bai

  • When Baluchistan state became a part of the West Pakistan?
    1. 14 Oct 1955
    2. 14 Nov 1955
    3. 14 Dec 1956
    4. 14 jan 1957

  • Quaid-e-Azam first wife died in ________?
    1. 1893
    2. 1894
    3. 1895
    4. 1896

  • _______ was the first wife of Quaid-e-Azam?
    1. Sakshi bai
    2. Ratan bai
    3. Emibai
    4. None

  • Which Chief Justice of Pakistan died in office, 9 days after taking oath?
    1. Iftikhar Muhammad Chaudhry
    2. Sir Abdul Rashid
    3. Muhammad Shahabuddin
    4. Mohammad Haleem

  • Which Person remained Chairman Wapda, chairman Sindh, Governor, SBP, and President of Pakistan?
    1. Waseem Sajjad
    2. Ghulam Ishaq Khan
    3. Fazal Ilahi Chaudhry
    4. Rafiq Tarar

  • The Nimoo Bazgo Power Project is a run-of-the-river power project on the _______________River situated at Alchi village, 75 kilometres (47 mi) from Leh in the Indian occupied Jammu and Kashmir.
    1. Neelum
    2. Jhelum
    3. Chenab
    4. Indus

  • First Newspaper to use the title ";Quaid-e-Azam"; was ______________?
    1. Dawn weekly
    2. Pioneer
    3. Al Aman
    4. Comrade
    5. Dawn daily

  • Swadeshi movement was launched to reverse the _____________?
    1. Partition of India
    2. Separation of Sindh from Bombay
    3. Annexation of Kashmir
    4. Annexation of Goa

  • The book ";Indian Musalmans"; published in 1871 was written by _____________?
    1. Joseph Rudyard Kipling
    2. Syed Ameer Ali
    3. Sir Syed Ahmed Khan
    4. William Wilson Hunter

  • The federal government established Thar coal authority in which year_________?
    1. 2005
    2. 2007
    3. 2008
    4. 2009

  • The first railway line in Pakistan was laid between _________________?
    1. Multan-Lahore
    2. Karachi-Kotri
    3. Sibi-Quetta
    4. Rawalpindi-Peshawar