• "; If there were one hundred Ghandhis and two hundred Abdul Kalam Azads with the Muslim League but only one Muhammad Ali Jinnah with the Congress so that India would have never been divided"; Who said this _____?
    1. Bolitho
    2. Sirojni Nido
    3. Lakhshmee Pandit
    4. Hudson

  • Under which Article of Contitution of 1973 is Governor Rule imposed in case of failure of constitutional machinery in the province ________?
    1. 234
    2. 236
    3. 238
    4. 240

  • What was the main difficulty which delayed the constitution making in Pakistan _________?
    1. Exact nature of the State
    2. Lack of intererst among members of the Constituent Assembly
    3. The distribution of powers between Federal and Provincial Governments
    4. Corrupt administration

  • Who had the shortest tenure as Governor -; General of Pakistan __________?
    1. Iskendar Mirza
    2. Ghulam Muhammad
    3. Muhammad Ali Jinnah

  • India recognized the provisional Government of Bangladesh on__________?
    1. 16 Dec 1971
    2. 17 Dec 1971
    3. 18 Dec 1971
    4. 19 Dec 1971

  • The concept of acting in aid of civil power by the armed forces has been laid down in the Constitution of Pakistan 1973 __________?
    1. Article 245
    2. Article 270
    3. Article 243
    4. Article 200

  • An agreement for cooperation was sighned during Turkish President Kennan Everno`s visit to Pakistan in Feb 1980 in the field of______?
    1. Defence production
    2. Tourism
    3. Research and Development
    4. Shipping

  • ";Qissa Sohni Mahinwal"; was written by____________?
    1. Hafiz Barkhurdar
    2. Hashim Shah
    3. Fazal Shah
    4. Waris Shah

  • The interim Government was formed in 1946. Who was the Prime Minister__________?
    1. Pandit Nehru
    2. F.M. Lord Wavel
    3. Liaquat Ali Khan
    4. None of the above

  • At the NAM Summit in Durban (1998), which issue was discussed concerning Pakistan ________?
    1. Palestine problem
    2. Environment Pollution
    3. Kashmir Problem
    4. Repayment of Loans

  • The institution of Mohtasib was established by_____________?
    1. Constitution of 1973
    2. Presidential Order 1983
    3. Article 276 of the !962 Constitution
    4. All of the above

  • Quaid-e-Azam sent 600 hundred soldiers to a Muslim country to fight for her freedom. Many of those Soldiers laid thier lives while fighting. That country preserved the tales of the bravery of those soldiers in a book titled ";The Six Hundred Brave Pakistani Soldiers";. They fought for__________?
    1. Palestine
    2. Indonesia
    3. Egypt
    4. Morocco

  • Which is the most widely used irrigation method in Pakistan______?
    1. Tube wells
    2. Perennial Canals
    3. Karez
    4. Dams

  • The Lahore Resolution was amended and Pakistan was made an integral part of League';s objective. The amendment was made in the Annual session (1941) of All India Muslim League, which was held at__________?
    1. Karachi
    2. Lahore
    3. Madras
    4. None of these

  • “Few individuals significantly alter the source of history. Fewer still modify the map of the world. Hardly anyone can be created with creating a nation-state. Mohammad Ali Jinnah did all three”. Who made these remarks about Quaid-e-Azam______?
    1. Stanley Wolpert
    2. Ian Stephens
    3. Lawrence Ziring
    4. None of these

  • What was the real name Shah Wali Ullah________________?
    1. Qutubddin Ahmed Faruqi
    2. Qutubddin Ahmed Siddiqui
    3. Qutubddin Ahmed
    4. None of these

  • How many medals were won by Pakistan in the Islamic Solidarity Games 2017 held in Lahore?
    1. 10
    2. 8
    3. 9
    4. 12

  • What is the name of solar power park set up in Bahawalpur at the cost of Rs. 15 billion with Chinese assistance, the solar park is built upon 500 acre land is aimed to raise the national grid capacity by 1,000MW ________?
    1. Roshni Solar Power Park
    2. Pak-China Solar Power Park
    3. Bhutto Solar Power Park
    4. Quaid-i-Azam Solar Power Park

  • Tomb of Babur is in which city?
    1. Delhi
    2. Kabul
    3. Lahore
    4. Baku

  • Article_______________ of 1973 Constitution was amended through ";The 24th Constitutional Amendment";.
    1. 50
    2. 51
    3. 52
    4. 53

  • PRODA (Public Representative Office Disqualification Act) was passed in ________?
    1. January 1949
    2. January 1959
    3. January 1950
    4. January 1960

  • Why Syed Amir Ali resigned from the Muslim league in 1913 __________?
    1. The Muslim league did not do sufficient work for its members
    2. It criticized the Government
    3. It started supporting the Hindu cause
    4. The party had no clear cut policy

  • Arya Samaj was founded in_______________?
    1. 1875
    2. 1877
    3. 1878
    4. 1879

  • About the end of 2nd century B.C some unusual upheavals in the Central Asia let loose series of human floods that brought about after-wave of invasions into Indo-Pak Sub-continent, First invasion was made by_______?
    1. The kushanas
    2. The Parthians

  • The elections should be held on the basis of general adult franchise. This demand was made in____________?
    1. Minto -; Morley Reforms, 1909
    2. Lucknow pact
    3. Cripps Mission
    4. Gandhi -; Irwin Pact