• Golra Sharif is famous for the shrine of ______________?
    1. Pir Mehar Ali Shah
    2. Bari Imam
    3. Pir of Zakori
    4. Punj Pir

  • The largest source of drinking water for Islamabad is ___________?
    1. Khanpur Dam
    2. Rawal Dam
    3. Ghazi Dam
    4. Haru Dam

  • Quaid-e-Azam University is located in ________ ?
    1. RawalPindi
    2. Abbottabad
    3. Multan
    4. Islamabad

  • The Naval Headquarters is located in _________ ?
    1. Rawalpindi
    2. Islamabad
    3. Lahore
    4. None of them

  • Famous Shakar Parrian Park is located in _________ ?
    1. Rawalpindi
    2. Nmurree
    3. Islamabad
    4. None of them

  • The largest mosque of Pakistan located in Islamabad is called _________ ?
    1. Shah Faisal Mosque
    2. Badshahi Mosque
    3. Garrison Mosque
    4. None of them

  • Ayoub National park is situated in ?
    1. Rawalpindi
    2. Nurree
    3. ICT
    4. None of them

  • Total area of ICT is ___________?
    1. 806 sq.km
    2. 906 sq.km
    3. 1006 sq.km
    4. 1106 sq.km

  • The Proposed Margalla hills tunnel project connect Islamabad with which city?
    1. Sawabi
    2. Abbotabad
    3. Haripur
    4. Dhodail

  • Gasherbrum I is also known as _____________?
    1. Hidden Peak
    2. Killer Peak
    3. White Peak
    4. Black Peak

  • How many Peaks in Pakistan are higher than 7000 meters
    1. 108
    2. 117
    3. 125
    4. 191

  • In which year the Broad Peak was first climbed?
    1. 1953
    2. 1955
    3. 1954
    4. 1957

  • Who was the first person the climb the Nanga parbat?
    1. Hermann Buhl
    2. Martin Conway
    3. R.d Banerjee
    4. Ashraf Aman

  • What is the Height of Broad Peak?
    1. 8126 meters
    2. 8092 meters
    3. 8075 meters
    4. 8047 meters

  • How many peaks in the Pakistan are Higher than 8000 meters?
    1. 4
    2. 3
    3. 5
    4. 8

  • What is the Meaning of Nanga Parbat ?
    1. Killer Mountain
    2. Naked Mountain
    3. Dead Place
    4. Seven Mountains

  • Which range lies along the border of Sindh and Baluchistan Province?
    1. Chaghi
    2. Makran range
    3. Kirthar range
    4. Koh-e-Sufaid

  • Which range separate Baluchistan Plateau from Afghanistan?
    1. Chaghi
    2. Makran
    3. Turbat
    4. Kirthar range

  • What is the average height of Karakoram range ?
    1. 7000 meters
    2. 7500 meters
    3. 7100 meters
    4. 7300 meters

  • Which is the highest peak of Koh-e-Sulaiman range ?
    1. Tirichmir
    2. K-2
    3. Takhat-e-Sulaiman
    4. Sakar

  • Which is the highest peak of Salt range?
    1. Tirichmir
    2. K-2
    3. Nanga parbat
    4. Sakasar

  • Which is the highest peak of Karakoram range ?
    1. Kilik peak
    2. K-2 peak
    3. Nanga Parbat
    4. Tirichmir

  • Which is the Highest peak of Himalayas range in Pakistan ?
    1. Nanga Parbat
    2. K-2
    3. Tirichmir
    4. Sakasar

  • Which of the following areas from potwar Plateau ?
    1. Rawalpindi
    2. Jhelum
    3. Mianwali
    4. All of above

  • What is the average height of Chaghi range ?
    1. 3500 meters
    2. 2500 meters
    3. 4000 meters
    4. 3000 meters