• Which Range is called Roof of the World ?
    1. Karakoram
    2. Hindu kush Range
    3. Pamir Plataau
    4. Himalayas Range

  • Nanga Parbat is the part of ?
    1. Hindu Kush
    2. Karakoram
    3. Pamir
    4. Himalayas

  • K-2 is present in which mountains range ?
    1. Pamir
    2. Hindu kush
    3. Karakoram
    4. Himalayas

  • Which is the youngest mountain range on the earth ?
    1. Hindu kush
    2. Korakoram
    3. Himalayas
    4. Alps

  • K-2 is Also Known As _______________ ?
    1. Godwin Austin
    2. Broad Peak
    3. Roshan Peak
    4. Sia Kingri

  • K-2 peak is the _________ Highest peak of the World ?
    1. First
    2. Second
    3. Third
    4. Fourth

  • Which is the Highest peak of Pakistan ?
    1. Broad Peak
    2. Sia kingri Peak
    3. K-2
    4. Kilik Peak

  • Oldest mountains of the world are present in india and youngest mountain of the world are present in ?
    1. Pakistan
    2. China
    3. India
    4. Burma

  • The Largest Coal Reservoir are found in ____________ ?
    1. Thar
    2. Karachi
    3. Thal
    4. Thatta

  • First Capital of Pakistan was ____________ ?
    1. Hyderabad
    2. Karachi
    3. Lahore
    4. Rawalpindi

  • The shrine of Abdullah Shah Ghazi is located in ___________ ?
    1. Nawab Shah
    2. Karachi
    3. Hala
    4. Thatta

  • Malakhra is a traditional game of __________ ?
    1. Sindh
    2. Punjab
    3. KPK
    4. None of them

  • Which city is on the border of Sindh and Punjab Provinces ?
    1. Rajanpur
    2. Mithan Kot
    3. Kashmore
    4. None of them

  • Which city of the Sindh is popular for woodwork industry ?
    1. Thattha
    2. Kotri
    3. Hala
    4. Larkana

  • Risalo is the best known collection of romantic poetry in the ________ Language.
    1. Urdu
    2. Sindhi
    3. Arabic
    4. Persian

  • Shah Abdul Latif is the author of _____________ ?
    1. Sassi Pannu
    2. Heer Ranjha
    3. Shah jo Risalo
    4. Shahnama

  • Largest city of Pakistan is __________ ?
    1. Karachi
    2. Sukkar
    3. Hyderabad
    4. Lahore

  • The shrine of Shah Abdul Latif Bhitai is located in _________ ?
    1. Sibbi
    2. Bhit Shah
    3. Jacobabad
    4. Hala

  • The hottest place in Pakistan is ___________ ?
    1. Bahawalpur
    2. Multan
    3. Turbat
    4. None of them

  • Moenjodaro is located at the west bank of the Indus in the __________ ?
    1. Upper Sindh
    2. Lower Sindh
    3. Central Sindh
    4. Southern Sindh

  • Moenjodaro is a 4,000-year-old city of the ____________ ?
    1. Taxila Civilisation
    2. Indus Civilization
    3. Both of them
    4. None of them

  • Moenjodaro means ____________ ?
    1. Civilised City
    2. Beautiful Gardens
    3. Mound of the Dead
    4. Civilization

  • The largest Natural fresh Water Lake in the subcontinent is ___________?
    1. Keenjar Lake
    2. Manchar Lake
    3. Hali Lake
    4. None of them

  • Lal Shahbaz Qalandar wrote several books in Persian and _________ ?
    1. Persian
    2. Arabic
    3. Sindhi
    4. Punjabi

  • The Shrine of Lal Shahbaz Qalander is situated in ___________?
    1. Shahbaz Nagar
    2. Uch Sharif
    3. Sehwan Sharif
    4. Karachi