• Which of the following Political leader of PTI has resigned after being arrested by NAB on 6 Feb 2019 ?
    1. Jahanger tareen
    2. Aleem khan
    3. Usman buzdar
    4. None of these

  • What is name of satellite developed by The King Abdul Aziz City for Science and Technology (KACST) and Lockheed Martin Space on 5 Feb 2019?
    1. SGS-1
    2. SGS-2
    3. SJS-1
    4. None of these

  • When Eighteenth Amendment of the Constitution of Pakistan was passed by the National Assembly of Pakistan?
    1. April 8, 2018
    2. April 8, 2019
    3. April 8, 2010
    4. April 8, 2011

  • The ninth National Finance Commission (NFC) meeting was deadlocked since_________?
    1. July 2015
    2. July 2016
    3. July 2017
    4. July 2018

  • How many families from all over the country will be given Sehat Card by Sehat Sahulat Program (SSP) from Govt. Of Pakistan?
    1. 10 million
    2. 15 million
    3. 20 million
    4. 25 million

  • Which of the following Pakistani company has been shortlisted at the GSMA Global Mobile Awards (GLOMO Awards) for the year 2019?
    1. Zong Group
    2. JS Bank
    3. Telenor Group
    4. Habib bank

  • Until January 2019 Pakistan Army has completed how much length of fence near Afghanistan boundary?
    1. 700km
    2. 800km
    3. 900km
    4. 1200km

  • How many National and International companies have been blacklisted by PPRA in Jan 2019?
    1. 50
    2. 45
    3. 40
    4. 35

  • According to new policy of government of Pakistan on 1st February, 2019 how much price is fixed to perform Hajj?
    1. 280,000 Rs
    2. 360,000 Rs
    3. 456,000 Rs
    4. 524,000

  • Night navigation system for the large vessels has been launched at Port _______ for the very first time in the history of Pakistan?
    1. Qasim
    2. Gwadar
    3. Karachi
    4. None of them

  • The Karakoram International Alpine Ski Cup 2019 was held in____________?
    1. China
    2. Pakistan
    3. Afghanistan
    4. None of these

  • How many Countries participated in Karakoram International Alpine Ski Cup 2019?
    1. 11 Countries
    2. 13 Countries
    3. 15 Countries
    4. 17 Countries

  • Which Pakistani teacher has won the coveted World';s Dedicated Teacher award announced by Cambridge University?
    1. Ahmed Jabar
    2. Ahmed Saya
    3. Saeed Ahmed
    4. Syed Ahmed Shah

  • Name the Pakistani Journalist who won the AFP';s Kate Webb Prize 2018?
    1. Asad Hashim
    2. Hamid Mir
    3. Dr. Aamir Liaqauat
    4. None of the Above

  • The tallest man of Pakistan is__________?
    1. Alam Channa
    2. Nabeel Islam
    3. Zia Rasheed
    4. Javaid Kazmi

  • First Captain of Pakistan National Women Blind Cricket Team is___________?
    1. Salma Javed
    2. Nazia Beenish
    3. Rabia Shahzadi
    4. Firdus Malik

  • On 31-January-2019 federal cabinet approved what percent increase in Hajj cost?
    1. 61 Percent
    2. 62 Percent
    3. 63 Percent
    4. 64 Percent

  • Which Country';s Journalist has won the AFP';s Kate Webb Prize 2018?
    1. USA
    2. UK
    3. Pakistan
    4. India

  • Pink ODI was Played between Pakistan vs South Africa?
    1. To raise awareness about breast cancer
    2. To collect donations for those suffering from the disease
    3. Both A & B
    4. None Of These

  • Name the Pakistan envoy to China received Silk Road Super Ambassador Award on 24 January 2019?
    1. Asad Umar
    2. Sheriyar Afridi
    3. None of These

  • Who was the first female ambassador of Pakistan to Iran?
    1. Riffat Masood
    2. Begum Rana Liaqat Ali Khan
    3. Begum shaista Ikram Ullah
    4. None of these

  • Pakistan Govt has started the first ever“Islamabad Deworming Initiative” on ________.which will deworm 250,000 children?
    1. 30 Jan 2019
    2. 29 Jan 2019
    3. 28 Jan 2019
    4. None of them

  • Corruption Perception Index 2018 released by the Transparency International on 29 January, 2019 which ranked Pakistan _________ out of 180 countries?
    1. 110
    2. 112
    3. 116
    4. 117

  • Corruption Perceptions Index 2018 released by the transparency International on 29 January, 2019 which scored Pakistan _______- out of 100?
    1. 33
    2. 34
    3. 35
    4. 36

  • The First ever Cardiac Hospital in Gilgit Baltistan inaugurated on 30 Jan 2019 by_________??
    1. Chief Minister Gilgit Baltistan
    2. PM Imran Khan
    3. Health Minister Gilgit Baltistan
    4. None of these