• Pakistan Navy is hosting the_____________series of Multinational Maritime Exercise AMAN-19 in February 2019 at Karachi?
    1. 5th
    2. 6th
    3. 7th
    4. 8th

  • Which country is elected as the vice chair at the third UN Environment’s Forum of Ministers and Environment Authorities of Asia Pacific held in Singapore on 25-01-2019?
    1. Nepal
    2. China
    3. India
    4. Pakistan

  • According to Democracy Index 2018 published by The Economist, Pakistan is placed under ______ category?
    1. Full Democracy
    2. Flawed Democracy
    3. Hybrid Regime
    4. Authoritarian

  • Democracy Index 2018 published by The Economist ranked Pakistan _____ out of 167 countries?
    1. 110
    2. 112
    3. 114
    4. 116

  • Chinese ambassador mentioned which reason recently on 9 January,2019 that prevent Chinese investors to invest in Pakistan?
    1. Poor Trade Policies
    2. High Taxes
    3. Tax Incentives
    4. All of the above

  • Who has been named among Foreign Policy magazine';s 2019 list of ';Global Thinkers';?
    1. Shah Mehmud Qureshi
    2. Qamar Javed Bajwa
    3. PM Imran Khan
    4. Asad Umar

  • The Provincial Cabinet of Sindh on January 21,2019, in a landmark decision approved to replace 100 years old Prison Act 1894 with new act titled?
    1. Sindh Prisons Reform Act 2019
    2. Rehabilitation Of Prisons Sindh Act 2019
    3. Sindh Prison and Correction Act 2019
    4. None of These

  • Which Judge of Indian Supreme Court attended the Pakistan Chief Justice Asif Saeed Khosa Oath Taking Ceremony on 18-January-2019?
    1. Justice Ranjan Gogoi
    2. Justice Sharad Arvind Bodbe
    3. Justice N.V. Ramana
    4. Justice Dipak Misra

  • President of the United Nations General Assembly for the 73rd session María Fernanda Espinosa visited Pakistan on?
    1. 18 Jan 2019
    2. 19 Jan 2019
    3. 20 Jan 2019
    4. 21 Jan 2019

  • Recently, The Luxury sleeper Bus ";Super International"; has been launched will travel from?
    1. Islamabad to Karachi
    2. Lahore to Karachi
    3. Karachi to Quetta
    4. Sialkot to Peshawar

  • Asif Saeed Khosa, 26th CJP Supreme Court of Pakistan belongs to Court Bar?
    1. Balochistan High Court
    2. Lahore High Court
    3. Sindh High Court
    4. Peshawar High Court

  • Google doodle paid homage to 1st Pakistani Captain Hafeez Kardar on his _____ birthday on 17 January 2019:
    1. 94th
    2. 96th
    3. 98th
    4. None of above

  • Which two Asian countries are ranked with 89% of people expressing patriotism towards their homeland.
    1. Pakistan & Vietnam
    2. Pakistan & Bangladesh
    3. Afghanistan & India
    4. China & India
    5. None of these

  • PM Imran Khan received ‘Gold Kalashinkov’ as a gift from_________?
    1. Turkey
    2. Saudi Arabia
    3. UAE
    4. None of these

  • APS Survivor ________ became third Pakistani to received Points of Light Award?
    1. Ahmed Nawaz
    2. Noman Ahmed
    3. None of these

  • ________ death anniversary of Arfa Karim being observed on 14 January 2019?
    1. 6th
    2. 7th
    3. 8th

  • APS Survivor Ahmed Nawaz received ';Points Of Light'; Award in___________?
    1. U.S.A
    2. U.A.E
    3. U.K
    4. None of these

  • Who become first wicket keeper-Captain to take 10 catches in a Test matches?
    1. Sarfraz Ahmed
    2. M.S Dhoni
    3. Alec Stewart
    4. None of these

  • Who has been elected Deputy Speaker Azad Jammu and Kashmir Legislative Assembly(AJKLA)
    1. Sardar Ibrahim
    2. Sardar Farooq Tahir
    3. Sardar Amer Altaf
    4. Shazia Akbar

  • Who was Major Geoffrey Langlands died on 2nd January 2019?
    1. A teacher of Aitchison College Lahore
    2. Faculty member of Oxford University
    3. Faculty member of Quaid-e-Azam University Islamabad
    4. None of the Above.

  • Which MPA production order was issued by the Punjab Assembly Speaker for the first time in the history of the Punjab assembly?
    1. Khawaja Saad Rafique
    2. Shahbaz Shareef
    3. Suleman Rafique
    4. Hamza Shahbaz

  • Punjab Assembly issues Production order 1st time in history on__________?
    1. 15 January 2018
    2. 16 January 2019
    3. 15 January 1973
    4. None
    5. In this way, Khawaja Salman Rafique has become the first MPA of Punjab to receive production order.

  • According to report of UNICEF an estimate of how many babies born in the World on new year day in 2019 ?
    1. 395,000
    2. 398,072
    3. 400,500
    4. All of the Above.

  • According to report of UNICEF an estimate how many babies born in Pakistan on new year day in 2019?
    1. 10,000
    2. 15,000
    3. 20,000
    4. None of the Above

  • How many Security personnel were martyred in attack on city of Balochistan on 2nd January 2019?
    1. 4
    2. 5
    3. 6
    4. None of the Above