• Hassan Ali Effendi established ";Sindh Muhammaden Association"; on the Advice of_________?
    1. Quid-e-Azam
    2. G.M.Bhurgiri
    3. Justice Syed Ameer Ali
    4. Molana Ubaidullah Sindhi

  • Shah Abdul Latif';s Risalo was 1st published by Dr.Earnest Trump from?
    1. Paris
    2. Leipzig
    3. Bombay
    4. London

  • in which district of Sindh province Lakhi dar is situated?
    1. Shikarpur
    2. Larkana
    3. Khairpur
    4. Mirpur Khas

  • Kori Creek is in which District?
    1. Badin
    2. Thatta
    3. Karachi
    4. Gwaddar

  • In which city of Sindh the famous Hathi Dar is located?
    1. Sukkur
    2. Shikarpur
    3. Kotdiji
    4. Sehwan

  • The real name of Ustad Bukhari (Sindhi-language poet)?
    1. Syed Muhammad Shah
    2. Syed Hashim Shah
    3. Syed Ahmed Shah
    4. Syed Tariq Shah

  • ________led the military conquest of Sindh and conquered whole Sindh in 1843?
    1. Sir Richard Keith Pringle
    2. Sir Henry Hardinge
    3. Sir Charles James Napier
    4. None of these

  • When did British conquered Sindh?
    1. 1830
    2. 1843
    3. 1835
    4. 1836

  • Urdu translation of Shah latif Jo Risalo , was made by?
    1. Shaikh ayaz
    2. Makhdoom Bilal
    3. DR Nabi Bux Baloch
    4. No one did in Urdu .

  • Sindh was conquered by Mohd bin Qasim during the _____ period
    1. Umayyads
    2. Abbasids
    3. Tulun
    4. Idrisids

  • Sindhi Ciction Writer and a Columnist Qazi Abdul Jaleel , Popularly known as Amar Jaleel was born in ?
    1. Rohri Sindh
    2. Dadu Sindh
    3. Sheikharpur Sindh
    4. he Came from Rajistan India

  • Sindhu Muhinje Saah Mein"; Famous book of Sindhi literature , written by__________?
    1. G.M Syed
    2. Amar Jaleel
    3. Sheikh Ayaz
    4. Ustaad Bukhari

  • “Zardak” is the highest peak of________?
    1. Karakoram range
    2. Sulaiman range
    3. Kirthar range
    4. Hindukush range

  • The most urbanized province of Pakistan is__________?
    1. Kpk
    2. Punjab
    3. Baluchistan
    4. Sindh

  • Where is the Pakistan largest Mosque (Masjid) and the world 3rd largest in Pakistan
    1. Lahore
    2. Karachi
    3. Islamabad
    4. Rawalpindi

  • What is the total length of Indus River?
    1. 2900 km
    2. 2514 km
    3. 3180 km
    4. 7854 km

  • The Shortest-Serving Governor in Sindh’s History is?
    1. Murad Ali Shah
    2. Dr. Ishratul Ebad
    3. Justice(R) Saeed U zaman Saddiqi
    4. Khursheed Shah

  • The Largest Coal Reservoir are found in ____________ ?
    1. Thar
    2. Karachi
    3. Thal
    4. Thatta

  • First Capital of Pakistan was ____________ ?
    1. Hyderabad
    2. Karachi
    3. Lahore
    4. Rawalpindi

  • The shrine of Abdullah Shah Ghazi is located in ___________ ?
    1. Nawab Shah
    2. Karachi
    3. Hala
    4. Thatta

  • Malakhra is a traditional game of __________ ?
    1. Sindh
    2. Punjab
    3. KPK
    4. None of them

  • Which city is on the border of Sindh and Punjab Provinces ?
    1. Rajanpur
    2. Mithan Kot
    3. Kashmore
    4. None of them

  • Which city of the Sindh is popular for woodwork industry ?
    1. Thattha
    2. Kotri
    3. Hala
    4. Larkana

  • Risalo is the best known collection of romantic poetry in the ________ Language.
    1. Urdu
    2. Sindhi
    3. Arabic
    4. Persian

  • Shah Abdul Latif is the author of _____________ ?
    1. Sassi Pannu
    2. Heer Ranjha
    3. Shah jo Risalo
    4. Shahnama