• Mohenjodaro is most famous town of the Indus civilization, located on the _________ ?
    1. Right Bank of Indus River
    2. Left Bank of Indus River
    3. West of Indus River
    4. None of them

  • Archaeologists have identified some 400 Indus civilization towns, scattered from _________ ?
    1. Kabul to Delhi
    2. Kabul to Lahore
    3. Peshawar to Delhi
    4. Kandhar to Delhi

  • The Indus River falls into the __________ ?
    1. Arabian Sea
    2. Cape Monze
    3. Makran Coast
    4. None of them

  • Kirthar Hills are located in _________ ?
    1. Sindh
    2. Gilgit Baltistan
    3. Panjab
    4. FATA

  • How many divisions are there in Sindh ?
    1. 9
    2. 4
    3. 7
    4. 3

  • The area of Sindh is _________ ?
    1. 140,914sq.km
    2. 130,914sq.km
    3. 140,814sq.km
    4. 120,914sq.km