• What is the main reason behind srilankan economic crisis?
    1. political irregularities.
    2. Shortage of exporting.
    3. Shortage of Food and Fuel.
    4. Shortage of foreign currency.

  • Which country is the winner of ICC Women';s World Cup in 2022?
    1. Australia
    2. England
    3. Pakistan
    4. New Zealand

  • Giant ice volcanoes has been identified on: ________?
    1. Pluto
    2. Jupiter
    3. Saturn
    4. Neptune

  • 27th March celebrated as Wolrd ________ Day?
    1. Forest Day
    2. Library Day
    3. Theatre(Entertainment) Day
    4. Water Day

  • Which Country is the full member of SCO ?
    1. Belarus
    2. Afghanistan
    3. Mongolia

  • What was the theme of the 2022 World Water Day (WWD) __________?
    1. Leaving no one behind
    2. Better Water, Better Jobs
    3. Water for All
    4. Groundwater, making the invisible visible

  • 17th G20 Heads of State and Government Summit 2022 will take place at _________?
    1. Bali
    2. Jakarta
    3. Melbourne
    4. Shinghai

  • 17th G20 Heads of State and Government Summit 2022 will take place in _________?
    1. July 2022
    2. September 2022
    3. October 2022
    4. November 2022

  • Current Secretary-General of OIC Hissein Ibrahim Taha belongs to________?
    1. Niger
    2. Chad
    3. Morocco
    4. Mauritania

  • Theme of 48th Session of the Council of Foreign Ministers of OIC held in Islamabad on 22-23 March?
    1. Together against Islamophobia
    2. Unity and solidarity for Justice and Peace
    3. The Muslim World Challenges and Expanding Opportunities
    4. Partnering for Unity, Justice and Development

  • What is the name of Russian Space Agency?
    1. Gazprom
    2. Roscomos
    3. ISS
    4. None of these

  • Which country’s plane has crashed and killing at least 132 passengers on 21 march 2022?
    1. Bangladesh
    2. Pakistan
    3. China
    4. India

  • What was the theme of international Forest day 2022?
    1. Forest and Sustainable cities
    2. Forest and water
    3. Forest and Ecosystem
    4. Forests and sustainable production and consumption

  • International maritime defense fair 2022 started in which gulf country ?
    1. Bahrain
    2. Kuwait
    3. Oman
    4. Qatar

  • The world largest hanging bridge which is located in Turkey opened for public on ________?
    1. 18 March 2022
    2. 21 June 2021
    3. February 2020
    4. None of these

  • World largest suspension bridge is located in ___________?
    1. Turkey
    2. Japan
    3. USA
    4. UK

  • Total number of Presidential elections in the US so far?
    1. 57
    2. 58
    3. 59
    4. None of these

  • Which country was named world';s happiest country in The World Happiness Report in 2022
    1. Denmark
    2. New Zealand
    3. Finland
    4. Iceland

  • 48th Session of Foreign Ministers of OIC to be held on: _________?
    1. March 18-20
    2. March 19-20
    3. March 22-23
    4. March 24-25

  • 48th Session of Foreign Ministers of OIC to be held in: _________?
    1. Islamabad
    2. Istanbul
    3. Tashkent
    4. Lahore

  • UN designates _______ March as International Day to Combat Islamophobia.
    1. 23rd
    2. 14th
    3. 15th
    4. 11th

  • Pakistan proposed International Day to Combat Islamophobia through resolution in: ________?
    1. General Assembly
    2. Security Council
    3. OIC
    4. European Union

  • International Day to Combat Islamophobia is __________?
    1. 27 February
    2. 1st March
    3. 8th March
    4. 15th March

  • Which of the following country is presiding Security Council for the month of March 2022?
    1. Qatar
    2. UAE
    3. Egypt
    4. Turkey

  • Noor II military satellite belongs to which country?
    1. UAE
    2. China
    3. Iran
    4. none of these