• Which country tops in the 2020 World Press Freedom Index a report released by Reporters Sans Frontiers (RSF)?
    1. New Zealand
    2. Norway
    3. Switzerland
    4. None of These

  • Recently scientists have named a newly discovered species of green pit viper snake after the character Salazar Slytherine from the movie________?
    1. Lord of the Rings
    2. The Jungle Book
    3. Harry Potter
    4. Jumanji

  • As per Amnesty International, which country carried out the most executions in the year 2019?
    1. North korea
    2. Saudi Arabia
    3. China
    4. Iran

  • Queen Elizabeth cancelled gun salutes and other ceremonial events on her ______ birthday due to Coronavirus?
    1. 92nd
    2. 94th
    3. 96th
    4. None of these

  • The working staff of which social media giant staged a virtual walkout, prostesting against the tech giant';s inability to remove or flag a controversial post by Donald Trump?
    1. Twitter
    2. Facebook
    3. LinkedIn
    4. Google

  • Name the woman who discovered the first cronavirus in 1964 at the St Thomas Hospital in London?
    1. Emille Brown
    2. Winston Abel
    3. June Almeida
    4. Jennifer Austin

  • Which actor from Hollywood has launched a new United Nations fund to help farmers in poorer nations?
    1. Leonardo Dicaprio
    2. Angelina Jolie
    3. Idris Elba
    4. Robert Downey Jr

  • Identify the director of the famous Tom and Jerry animated series, who died at the age of 95 in Prague in Apr 2020.
    1. Chuck Jones
    2. Ward Kimbell
    3. Gene Deitch
    4. Anthiny Armstrong

  • Tom & Jerry , Popeye director Gene Deitch passed away at age of _______?
    1. 90
    2. 95
    3. 97
    4. None of these

  • What is the theme of World Wildlife Day 2020?
    1. The future of wildlife is in our hands
    2. Listen to the young voices
    3. Sustaining all life on Earth
    4. Big Cats
    5. Life below Water: for People and Planet

  • Which Physician at Whuan Hospital warned his colleagues in December 2019 about the possible outbreak of an illness that resemble with severe acute respiratory syndrome later acknowledged as COVID 19?
    1. Li Chen
    2. Li Wenliang
    3. Xi Chen
    4. Xi Jinpeng

  • Who was appointed as the new chancellor of Queen';s University Belfast in Ireland?
    1. Barack Obama
    2. Michelle Obama
    3. Hillary Clinton
    4. Queen Elizabeth II

  • The largest virus bank in Asia located in Wuhan, lately in news in regards to the lab conspiracy theory is____________?
    1. China Center for Virology
    2. China Center for Virus Studies
    3. Center of Pathological Studies
    4. China Center for Virus Culture Collection

  • Which of the following country';s parliament approved a law that allows for the release tens of thousands of prisoners as a safety measure against the coronavirus outbreak?
    1. Iran
    2. Turkey
    3. Italy
    4. USA

  • For how many poorest countries the G20 have suspended debt payments as they wage an economic battle against coronavirus ?
    1. 50
    2. 77
    3. 90
    4. None of these

  • Which of the following country has stopped it';s funding to world health organisation ( WHO)?
    1. Japan
    2. USA
    3. Saudi Arabia
    4. None of these

  • Who is the Current Grand Mufti of Saudi Arabia, the highest religious authority in the country?
    1. Sheikh Abdullah al-Sheikh
    2. Sheikh Abdulaziz al-Sheikh
    3. Sheikh Abdulnaseer al-Sheikh
    4. Sheikh Abdulrahman al-Sheikh

  • When was the World Health Organisation established?
    1. April 6th 1948
    2. April 7th 1948
    3. April 5th 1948
    4. April 8th 1948

  • Which UN body adopted a resolution calling for ‘Global Solidarity’ to defeat COVID-19?
    1. UNGA
    2. UNHRC
    3. UNSC
    4. UNEP

  • Which country will be hosting the 3rd Asian Youth Games in 2021?
    1. Japan
    2. India
    3. China
    4. Sri Lanka

  • Which among the following tennis tournaments has been cancelled for the first time since World War II?
    1. Australian Open
    2. Wimbledon
    3. French Open
    4. US Open

  • Who has termed Coronavirus pandemic as the most challenging crisis since World War II?
    1. UN Secretary General
    2. WHO Director General
    3. Italian Prime Minister
    4. US President

  • Which nation will host Asian Boxing Championships 2020?
    1. India
    2. China
    3. Malaysia
    4. Japan

  • The US state department has accused which nation of secretly carrying out low-level underground nuclear test explosions?
    1. Iran
    2. North Korea
    3. Israel
    4. China

  • A joint collaboration of NASA and SpaceX sent astronauts to International Space Station on May 30,2020. The mission, called___________?
    1. Crew Dragon SunRise Mission
    2. Crew Dragon Demo-1 Mission
    3. Crew Dragon Demo-2 Mission
    4. Crew Dragon Demo-3 Mission