• On May 12,2020 International Nurses Day was celebrated around the world. The 2020 International Day marked the_________birth anniversary of Florence Nightingale?
    1. 130th
    2. 150th
    3. 200th
    4. 25th

  • Which country has banned assault-style weapons after its worst mass shooting in the country’s history?
    1. Canada
    2. Thailand
    3. New Zealand
    4. None of these

  • Who has won the 2020 Pulitzer Price For Fiction, announde on May 4?
    1. Ben Taub
    2. Barry Blitt
    3. Jericho Brown
    4. Colson Whitehead

  • ‘World Tuna Day’ is observed on May 3, 2020. Tuna belongs to which species?
    1. Bird
    2. Fish
    3. Insect
    4. Reptile

  • Recently, Denis Goldenberg passed away.He was a social activist of which country?
    1. Soth Africa
    2. Brazil
    3. Germany
    4. Russia

  • Which country announced a ban on 1500 kinds of assault weapons on May 1st,2020?
    1. New Zealand
    2. Australia
    3. Canada
    4. Iceland

  • What is the new official name of the NASA’s Mars Helicopter?
    1. Intelligence
    2. Ingenuity
    3. Brilliance
    4. Endeavor

  • The committee for a Responsible Federal Budget is projecting the US budget deficit to exceed________this year.
    1. $ 3.8 trillion
    2. $ 5.2 trillion
    3. $ 4 trillion
    4. $ 3.9 trillion

  • On Apr 30,2020 which European country banned Hezbollah and designated it as a terrorist organisation?
    1. England
    2. Finland
    3. Ireland
    4. Germany

  • The largest hole in the Ozone layer spreading over 1 million square kilometers above the Arctic has closed due to unusual atmospheric conditions. The hole in Ozone was first identified by scientists in_________?
    1. February, 2020
    2. March,2020
    3. April,2020
    4. May,2020

  • On Apr 28, 2020 the 11th Petersberg Climate Dialogue was held virtually in the wake of Covid-19 pandemic for the first time. It was co-chaired by__________?
    1. Germany and Sweden
    2. Sweden and England
    3. Germany and England
    4. England and France

  • Rishi Kapoor died at the age of _____after a long battle with cancer.
    1. 65
    2. 66
    3. 67
    4. 68

  • What is the name of the crona virus app launched by the Australian government that helps health officials detect people infected with the novel Coronavirus.
    1. CovidTrack
    2. CovidSafe
    3. CronaTrack
    4. CronaSafe

  • United States has renewed wavier for Iraq to import electricity from which ________country?
    1. Pakistan
    2. Syria
    3. UAE
    4. Iran

  • Recently in April 2020, in which country flogging is replaced by fines or imprisonment?
    1. Turkey
    2. Syria
    3. Palestine
    4. Saudi Arabia

  • Indian film actor Irfan Ali Khan died at the age of 53 due to _______?
    1. Corona Virus
    2. Tuberculosis
    3. Malaria
    4. Colon Infection

  • Indian film actor Irfan Ali Khan died on _______?
    1. 28 April 2020
    2. 29 April 2020
    3. 30 April 2020
    4. 1 May 2020

  • Indian film actor Irfan Ali Khan died at the age of _______ years?
    1. 50
    2. 51
    3. 52
    4. 53

  • According to the annual report of SIPRI released on Apr 27,2020 which country spent 8.8% of its GDP on military-the highest in the world?
    1. China
    2. India
    3. Oman
    4. Saudi Arabia

  • In Apr, 2020 Which country ended the death penalty for people who committed crimes while still minors?
    1. China
    2. Iran
    3. Saudi Arabia
    4. Iraq

  • Which country conducted elections during pandemic in April 2020?
    1. North Korea
    2. South Korea
    3. Pakistan
    4. Turkey

  • Recently, which country was denounced by the UNSC Members (Britain, Estonia and Germany) for lack of accountability after being accused of conducting chemical weapons attack in 2017?
    1. Sudan
    2. Syria
    3. Palestine
    4. Turkey

  • Which country';s foreign ministry has launched FM-DIRECT app for promoting exchange of ideas within ministry?
    1. US
    2. UK
    3. Pakistan
    4. China

  • Jack Dorsey, Twitter co-founder pledged $1 billion for cronavirus relief, which makes approximately___________% of his wealth.
    1. 25%
    2. 28%
    3. 30%
    4. 38%

  • Bernie Sanders suspended his presidential campaign , clearing the way for Joe Biden to become the Democratic Party';s nominee on?
    1. Apr 7,2020
    2. Apr 8,2020
    3. Apr 9,2020
    4. Apr 10,2020