• Abba Kyari, who recently passed away due to Covid-19, was the Chief of Staff of which African country’s President?
    1. Egypt
    2. Libya
    3. Algeria
    4. Nigeria

  • Which nation has reportedly launched its first-ever military satellite named as ";Nour"; into the orbit IN April 2020?
    1. Iraq
    2. Iran
    3. Turkey
    4. None of these

  • What is the name of The first satellite of the Islamic Republic of Iran launched in April 2020?
    1. Al Nour
    2. Nour
    3. Rabad
    4. Khomar

  • When oil prices crash and go negative for the first time in US History?
    1. On 19th April 2020
    2. On 20th April 2020
    3. On 21st April 2020
    4. None of above

  • In Apr, 2020 which US state sued China';s leadership over cronavirus?
    1. Minnesota
    2. Mississipp
    3. Missouri
    4. Montana

  • Leonardo Dicaprio, the Hollywood star recently launched a coronavirus fund by the name of________?
    1. America';s Health Relief
    2. America';s Food Relief
    3. America';s Health Fund
    4. America';s Food Fund

  • China to host 3rd Asian Youth Games in Shantou from_________?
    1. Nov 10, 2021
    2. Nov 15, 2021
    3. Nov 20, 2021
    4. Nov 22, 2021

  • ";The Cockroach,” a satirical new Brexit novella, is authored by____________?
    1. Leo McEwan
    2. Iriel McEwan
    3. Ian McEwan
    4. Ien McEwan

  • Which two countries have been banned from participating in Tokyo Olympics in weightlifting competition by IWF on disciplinary grounds?
    1. Indonesia and Malaysia
    2. Malaysia and Thailand
    3. Indonesia and Thailand
    4. Thailand and Russia

  • The official name of the virus causing the COVID-19 given by WHO is_________?
    1. SARS-CoV 1
    2. MERS -CoV 1
    3. SARS-CoV 2
    4. MERS-CoV 2

  • Which country became the first to suspend the use of the video-conferencing tool Zoom by teachers on Apr 11,2020?
    1. Srilanka
    2. Singapore
    3. Malaysia
    4. China

  • Recently, Opec + agreed to cut oil output by a record amount, representing around 10% of the global supply.As per the agreement the daily production will cut by___________?
    1. 9.5 million B/D
    2. 9.6 million B/D
    3. 9.7 million B/D
    4. 9.8 million B/D

  • Which company on 7 April 2020 introduced new policy that limits on message forwarding as part of an effort to curb the spread of misinformation about the corona virus pandemic?
    1. Facebook
    2. Instagram
    3. WhatsApp
    4. Twitter

  • Which US Senator suspended his presidential campaign on 8 April 2020, clearing the way for his rival Joe Biden to secure the Democratic Nomination for US elections.
    1. Bernie Sanders
    2. Mr Lee David
    3. Kenny Rogers
    4. Elsa Ispa

  • India has announced new Kashmir Domicile Law on _______________?
    1. 1st January 2020
    2. 1st February 2020
    3. 1st March 2020
    4. 1st April 2020

  • On Apr 19,2020, a gunman named Gabriel Wortman killed 16 people in Canada';s worst act of mass murder in 30 years in the province of_________?
    1. Ontario
    2. Quebec
    3. British Colombia
    4. Nova Scotia

  • A person will be called The Occupied Territory on his domicile, if he has resided in Jammu and Kashmir for _______ years
    1. 5 yeras
    2. 15 years
    3. 20 years
    4. 25 years

  • In wuhan city of China Lockdown lift after how many days ?
    1. 66 days
    2. 76 days
    3. 80 days

  • Which nation assumed Presidency of United Nations Security Council in April 2020?
    1. France
    2. Italy
    3. Spain
    4. Dominican Republic

  • The Australian Government recently announced that which animal could be declared as an endangered species?
    1. Kangaroo
    2. Koala
    3. Emu
    4. None of these

  • The Molotov Ribbentrop Pact, which is currently being debated in news, was signed by Nazi Germany with which country?
    1. Soviet Union
    2. Italy
    3. Britain
    4. None of these

  • Which among the following is the only nation to report a marginal rise in crude steel output in April 2020?
    1. Japan
    2. US
    3. China
    4. South Korea

  • Australia recently witnessed which disaster that killed many lives and caused huge destruction?
    1. Flood
    2. Cyclone
    3. Wild fires
    4. Tsunami

  • Prince Harry and Meghan Markle are planning to launch a charitable organisation named Archewell, the name Archewell is inspired from a Greek word meaning___________?
    1. Source of Nation
    2. Source of Light
    3. Source of Action
    4. Source of Passion

  • In 2022, which city will become the first-ever city that has held both the summer and the winter Olympic Games.
    1. Tokyo
    2. Beijing
    3. Pyeongchong
    4. Paris