• ___________is the key we use to run the selected command?
    1. SHIFT
    2. TAB
    3. ENTER
    4. CTRL

  • ___________ is the key to close a selected drop -down list; cancel a command and close a dialog box.
    1. TAB
    2. SHIFT
    3. ESC
    4. F10

  • An area of a computer that temporarily holds data waiting to be processed is___________?
    1. CPU
    2. Memory
    3. Storage
    4. File

  • The instructions that tell a computer how to carry out the processing tasks are referred to as computer___________?
    1. programs
    2. processors
    3. input devices
    4. memory modules

  • Father of ā€œCā€˜ programming language?
    1. Dennis Ritchie
    2. Prof John Keenly
    3. Thomas Kurtz
    4. Bill Gates

  • BIOS stands for__________?
    1. Basic Input Output system
    2. Binary Input output system
    3. Basic Input Off system
    4. all the above

  • 1 Byte =___________?
    1. 8 bits
    2. 4 bits
    3. 2 bits
    4. 9 bits

  • RAM stands for___________?
    1. Random origin money
    2. Random only memory
    3. Read only memory
    4. Random access memory

  • ____________translates and executes program at run time line by line?
    1. Compiler
    2. Interpreter
    3. Linker
    4. Loader

  • Which of the following is also known as brain of computer?
    1. Control unit
    2. Central Processing unit
    3. Arithmetic and language unit
    4. Monitor

  • Examples of output devices are?
    1. Screen
    2. Printer
    3. Speaker
    4. All of these

  • Which of the following are input devices?
    1. Keyboard
    2. Mouse
    3. Card reader
    4. All of these

  • Who is the Current CEO of Microsoft?
    1. Babbage
    2. Bill Gates
    3. Bill Clinton
    4. Satya Nadella

  • DOS stands for____________?
    1. Disk Operating System
    2. Disk operating session
    3. Digital Operating System
    4. Digital Open system

  • Unwanted repetitious messages, such as unsolicited bulk e-mail is known as_________?
    1. Spam
    2. Trash
    3. Calibri
    4. Courier

  • A self replicating program, similar to a virus which was taken from a 1970s science fiction novel by John Bruner entitled the Shockwave Rider is__________?
    1. Bug
    2. Vice
    3. Lice
    4. Worm

  • A fault in a computer program which prevents it from working correctly is known as___________?
    1. Boot
    2. Bug
    3. Biff
    4. Strap

  • A small or intelligent device is so called because it contains within it a________?
    1. Computer
    2. Microcomputer
    3. Programmable
    4. Sensor

  • A computer program that converts an entire program into machine language is called a/an
    1. Interpreter
    2. Simulator
    3. Compiler
    4. Commander

  • The system unit of a personal computer typically contains all of the following except:
    1. Microprocessor
    2. Disk controller
    3. Serial interface
    4. Modem

  • What is meant by a dedicated computer?
    1. Which is used by one person only
    2. Which is assigned one and only one task
    3. Which uses one kind of software
    4. Which is meant for application software

  • Personal computers use a number of chips mounted on a main circuit board. What is the common name for such boards?
    1. Daughter board
    2. Motherboard
    3. Father board
    4. Breadboard

  • Modern Computer are very reliable but they are not___________?
    1. Fast
    2. Powerful
    3. Infallible
    4. Cheap

  • An error in software or hardware is called a bug. What is the alternative computer jargon for it?
    1. Leech
    2. Squid
    3. Slug
    4. Glitch

  • Personnel who design, program, operate and maintain computer equipment refers to__________?
    1. Console-operator
    2. Programmer
    3. Peopleware
    4. System Analyst