• Who invented the high level language ā€œCā€?
    1. Dennis M. Ritchie
    2. Niklaus Writh
    3. Seymour Papert
    4. Donald Kunth

  • Who designed the first electronics computer ā€“ ENIAC?
    1. Van-Neumann
    2. Joseph M. Jacquard
    3. J. Presper Eckert and John W Mauchly
    4. All of above

  • In latest generation computers, the instructions are executed___________?
    1. Parallel only
    2. Sequentially only
    3. Both sequentially and parallel
    4. All of above

  • In analogue computer_____________?
    1. Input is first converted to digital form
    2. Input is never converted to digital form
    3. Output is displayed in digital form
    4. All of above

  • The output quality of a printer is measured by____________?
    1. Dot per inch
    2. Dot per sq. inch
    3. Dots printed per unit time
    4. All of above

  • Which of the following devices can be used to directly image printed text?
    1. OCR
    2. OMR
    3. MICR
    4. All of above

  • Microprocessors as switching devices are for ___________generation computers?
    1. First Generation
    2. Second Generation
    3. Third Generation
    4. Fourth Generation

  • The computer size was very large in__________?

  • Second Generation computers were developed during___________?
    1. 1949 to 1955
    2. 1956 to 1965
    3. 1965 to 1970
    4. 1970 to 1990

  • Chief component of first generation computer was__________?
    1. Transistors
    2. Vacuum Tubes and Valves
    3. Integrated Circuits
    4. None of above

  • IBM 1401 is_________?
    1. First Generation Computer
    2. Second Generation Computer
    3. Third Generation Computer

  • Which of the following is first generation of computer?
    1. EDSAC
    2. IBM-1401
    3. CDC-1604
    4. ICL-2900
    5. The Electronic Delay Storage Automatic Calculator (EDSAC), developed at Britain';s Cambridge University, ran its first programs in 1949. It became the first stored-program computer in regular use, heralding the transition from test to tool.

  • ASCII stands for__________?
    1. American Stable Code for International Interchange
    2. American Standard Case for Institutional Interchange
    3. American Standard Code for Information Interchange
    4. American Standard Code for Interchange Information

  • MIS is designed to provide information needed for effective decision making by?
    1. Consumers
    2. Workers
    3. Foremen
    4. Managers

  • When did John Napier develop logarithm?
    1. 1416
    2. 1614
    3. 1641
    4. 1804

  • Which of the following is a storage device?
    1. Tape
    2. Hard Disk
    3. Floppy Disk
    4. All of the above

  • What does DMA stand for?
    1. Distinct Memory Access
    2. Direct Memory Access
    3. Direct Module Access
    4. Direct Memory Allocation

  • Which of the following is not anti- viruses software?
    1. Avira
    2. Kaspersky
    3. Oracle
    4. McAfee

  • Which programming languages are classified as low level languages?
    1. BASIC, COBOL, Fortran
    2. Prolog
    3. C, C++
    4. Assembly languages

  • What do you call the programs that are used to find out possible faults and their causes?
    1. operating system extensions
    2. cookies
    3. diagnostic software
    4. boot diskettes

  • What characteristic of read-only memory (ROM) makes it useful?
    1. ROM information can be easily updated.
    2. Data in ROM is non-volatile, that is, it remains there even without electrical power.
    3. ROM provides very large amounts of inexpensive data storage.
    4. ROM chips are easily swapped between different brands of computers.

  • __________represents raw facts, where-as__________is data made meaningful?
    1. Information, reporting
    2. Data, information
    3. Information, bits
    4. Records, bytes

  • Where are data and programme stored when the processor uses them?
    1. Main memory
    2. Secondary memory
    3. Disk memory
    4. Programme memory

  • When a file is saved for the first time?
    1. a copy is automatically printed
    2. it must be given a name to identify it
    3. it does not need a name
    4. it only needs a name if it is not going to be printed

  • What is embedded system?
    1. The programme which arrives by being wrapped in box.
    2. The programme which is the permanent part of the computer
    3. The computer which is the part of a larger system or machine
    4. The computer and software system that control the machine