• MSI stands for___________?
    1. Medium Scale Integrated Circuits
    2. Medium System Integrated Circuits
    3. Medium Scale Intelligent Circuit
    4. Medium System Intelligent Circuit

  • VGA is____________?
    1. Video Graphics Array
    2. Visual Graphics Array
    3. Volatile Graphics Array
    4. Video Graphics Adapter

  • ALU is____________?
    1. Arithmetic Logic Unit
    2. Array Logic Unit
    3. Application Logic Unit
    4. None of above

  • CD-ROM stands for____________?
    1. Compactable Read Only Memory
    2. Compact Data Read Only Memory
    3. Compactable Disk Read Only Memory
    4. Compact Disk Read Only Memory

  • The computer that process both analog and digital is called____________?
    1. Analog computer
    2. Digital computer
    3. Hybrid computer
    4. Mainframe computer

  • which one is Digital device, select from the choices below?
    1. Digital Clock
    2. Automobile analog speed meter
    3. Clock with a dial and two hands
    4. All of them

  • Analog computer works on the supply of ____________?
    1. Continuous electrical pulses
    2. Electrical pulses but not continuous
    3. Magnetic strength
    4. None of the above

  • Which of the following are components of Central Processing Unit (CPU) ?
    1. Arithmetic logic unit, Mouse
    2. Arithmetic logic unit, Control unit
    3. Arithmetic logic unit, Integrated Circuits
    4. Control Unit, Monitor

  • The brain of any computer system is___________?
    1. ALU
    2. Memory
    3. CPU
    4. Control unit

  • 1 Gigabyte is equal to ____________?
    1. 1024 bits
    2. 1032 megabytes
    3. 1024 kilobytes
    4. 1024 megabytes

  • Which technology is used in compact disks?
    1. Mechanical
    2. Electrical
    3. Electro Magnetic
    4. Laser

  • What type of operating system MS-DOS is?
    1. Command Line Interface
    2. Graphical User Interface
    3. Multitasking
    4. Menu Driven Interface

  • A collection of system programs that controls and co-ordinates the overall operations of a computer system is called____________?
    1. System software
    2. Operating system
    3. Utility program
    4. Device driver

  • WWW stands for___________?
    1. World Whole Web
    2. Wide World Web
    3. Web World Wide
    4. World Wide Web

  • If a computer has more than one processor then it is known as__________?
    1. Uni-process
    2. Multiprocessor
    3. Multi-threaded
    4. Multi-programming

  • Who is the father of Internet ?
    1. Chares Babbage
    2. Vint Cerf
    3. Denis Riche
    4. Martin Cooper

  • The basic operations performed by a computer are__________?
    1. Arithmetic operation
    2. Logical operation
    3. Storage and relative
    4. All the above

  • Who is the father of Computer?
    1. Allen Turing
    2. Charles Babbage
    3. Simur Cray
    4. Augusta Adaming

  • The term ‘Computer’ is derived from__________?
    1. Latin
    2. German
    3. French
    4. Arabic