• The Collins Dictionary';s word of the year for 2022 is: __________?
    1. Moribund
    2. Vax
    3. permacrisis
    4. Succulent

  • The Alphabets others then (a e i o u) are called ____________?
    1. Vowels
    2. Consonants
    3. Phrase
    4. None of these

  • The plural of sheep is __________?
    1. sheeps
    2. sheepers
    3. sheeves
    4. sheep

  • The selectors made Babar Azam captain. In this sentence ';captain'; is ________?
    1. Noun
    2. Object complement
    3. Verb compliment
    4. None of these

  • English language approximately consist of _______ words?
    1. 170000
    2. 250000
    3. 100000
    4. None of these

  • Ali is not my brother. Here word not is?
    1. Verb
    2. Adverb
    3. Preposition
    4. Conjunction

  • The famous word ';coulrophobia'; means extreme fear of?
    1. Colours
    2. Clouds
    3. Cold
    4. Clowns

  • The novel "; Anna Karenina "; is written by?
    1. John Milton
    2. John Keats
    3. Leo Tolstoy
    4. William Shakespeare

  • He laughs _______ me.
    1. on
    2. of
    3. at
    4. None of these

  • Antonym of Accord?
    1. Solution
    2. Act
    3. Withhold
    4. Concord

  • What does the English prefix ";Sino"; mean:
    1. Chinese
    2. French
    3. American
    4. Japanese

  • Most common english word in the world?
    1. and
    2. of
    3. is
    4. the

  • Once in a Blue Moon means?
    1. Always
    2. Rarely
    3. Never
    4. Impossibly

  • Synonym of connoisseur?
    1. Ignorant
    2. Lover of art
    3. Interpreter
    4. Delinquent

  • What is the correct spelling?
    1. Bettalion
    2. Battalion
    3. Bettalean
    4. Battalian

  • Idiom ";Between Scylla and Charybdis"; means?
    1. Between two lovers
    2. Between two dangers/evils
    3. Between two parties
    4. Between two Happy Moments

  • The comparative degree of an adjective is followed by ________.
    1. The
    2. Other
    3. None of these

  • His mathematics ________ good.
    1. Is
    2. Are
    3. Were
    4. None of these

  • Mumps_______ a terrible disease.
    1. Is
    2. Are
    3. Have
    4. None of these

  • Synonym of ";Caucus";?
    1. Congregation
    2. Systematic
    3. Confession
    4. Indicts

  • William Blake was born in ____________?
    1. 1756
    2. 1719
    3. 1757
    4. None of these

  • The Synonyms of resuscitate is ________________?
    1. Rejuvenate
    2. Demolish
    3. Revitalize
    4. A and C

  • The Idiom ";At the drop of a hat"; means?
    1. At the top level
    2. Hide something
    3. Without any hesitation
    4. Feeling proud

  • If the storm continues, the overhead wires may ______ with twang.
    1. Break
    2. Snap
    3. Tear
    4. None of these

  • The poet who used extensive alliteration?
    1. William Shakespeare
    2. William Wordsworth
    3. John Keats
    4. Percy Bysshe Shelley