• The name of a person, thing is called______?
    1. Noun
    2. Pronoun
    3. Verb
    4. Adjective

  • Teachers as well as headmaster _______ punctual of time
    1. Is
    2. Are
    3. Have
    4. Was

  • Be in your ________.
    1. Boats
    2. Shoes
    3. House
    4. Ship

  • Each of us _____ eaten our meal.
    1. Have
    2. Has
    3. Are
    4. was

  • Make hay ______ sun shines
    1. When
    2. While
    3. Than
    4. If

  • Haroon was a king. Here *King* is______?
    1. Common Noun
    2. Abstract Noun
    3. Material Noun
    4. Proper Noun

  • She sings____________?
    1. Nicely
    2. Beautifully
    3. Sweetly
    4. None of these

  • The noisy River Kumar Passes through city of Balakot. In this sentence "; noisy River"; prefers to _________ ?
    1. Talkative and Lively river
    2. Loud and Fast flowing river
    3. Slow and Gently Flowing river
    4. Unhurried and Smoothly flowing river

  • The foreign phrase De novo means______?
    1. one side only
    2. Indefinitly
    3. New
    4. None of Above

  • Which mark is used for Semicolon________?
    1. ?
    2. :
    3. ;
    4. !

  • Wow! Ah! Oh! and No! are usually used as________?
    1. Preposition
    2. Conjunction
    3. Interjection
    4. Adjective

  • FAQ stands for __________ ?
    1. Frequently Asked Questions
    2. Favourite Asked Questions
    3. Favourite and Answered Questions
    4. Frequently Answered Questions

  • The Chairman is ill and we’ll have to__________the meeting for a few days.
    1. Put on
    2. Put of
    3. Put away
    4. Put off

  • Meaning of words and how to use them is called?
    1. Syntax
    2. Semantics
    3. Pragmatics
    4. IPA

  • The list of words in a language is referred to as its___________?
    1. Vocabulary
    2. Structure
    3. lexicon
    4. Vocal cords

  • Rubi talks a lot, doesn';t she? Yes, although there no reason for _______ ?
    1. So much have talking
    2. Her so much talking
    3. Her talking so much
    4. Talking her so much

  • Correct the sentence: <br> He got up and run to the door.
    1. He get up and run to the door.
    2. He gets up and run to the door.
    3. He got up and will run to the door.
    4. He got up and ran to the door.

  • Choose the correct option which reflect the same sense as in the captioned sentence: <br>“Our guest let us know that he would be arriving next week in his last letter.”
    1. Our guest let us know that he was arriving next week in his last letter.
    2. Our guest let us know that’s he are arriving in his last letter.
    3. Our guest let us know in his last letter that he would be arriving next week.
    4. Done of the above

  • Early in the morning I _______ feed the cows. After I had finished that, I _______ play with the children in the village.
    1. Used, could
    2. Used, would
    3. Could, should
    4. Could, might

  • If you read the questions carefully you ______ them easily.
    1. Answer
    2. Will answer
    3. Might answer
    4. May answer

  • By the time you get this letter you _______ the tragic news.
    1. Will receive
    2. Will be receiving
    3. Will be have received
    4. Have received

  • Science of heavenly bodies is known as _______?
    1. Astronomy
    2. Anatomy
    3. Ecology
    4. Astrology

  • Art of judging influence of stars upon human affairs is known as _______?
    1. Astrology
    2. Paleontology
    3. Meteorology
    4. Geology

  • The hundredth anniversary of a significant event is known as ________?
    1. Centenary
    2. Elysium
    3. Assassin
    4. None of the above

  • One who is familiar with and at ease in many different countries and cultures is known as _______________?
    1. Cosmopolitan
    2. Unsophisticated
    3. Provincial
    4. All of the above