• Government by old people is termed as ____________?
    1. Monarchy
    2. Gerontocracy
    3. Paedocracy
    4. Autocracy

  • A book giving information on all branches of knowledge is known as _______?
    1. Encyclopedia
    2. Cynic
    3. Desperado
    4. Elysium

  • A group of associated or similar things is known as _____________?
    1. Constellation
    2. Plainness
    3. Elysium
    4. None of the above

  • A person who is recovering after an illness or medical treatment is known as ____________?
    1. Convalescent
    2. Regressing
    3. Faltering
    4. Failing

  • Leaving one';s country and go to live in a foreign land is known as _________?
    1. Emigrate
    2. Eradicate
    3. Immigrate
    4. Extempore

  • One who looks on the dark side of the things is known as ________?
    1. Optimist
    2. Patricide
    3. Pessimist
    4. Philanthropist

  • One who looks on the bright side of things is known as ________?
    1. Pessimist
    2. Novice
    3. Optimist
    4. Credulous

  • Something that is liable to be easily broken is known as ________?
    1. Brittle
    2. Resilient
    3. Flexible
    4. None of the above

  • A letter which is not claimed by anybody is known as _______?
    1. Dead Letter
    2. Adjustment Letter
    3. Complaint Letter
    4. Acknowledgment Letter

  • A composition which bears no name of the writer is known as _________?
    1. Anonymous
    2. Identified
    3. Signed
    4. Apostate

  • ill-gotten meaning ?
    1. No required
    2. Taken through legal way
    3. Acquired by illegal or unfair means

  • Past Tense of ";Find"; is________?
    1. Find
    2. Found
    3. Founded
    4. Both B and C

  • He is very poor. What is ";Very"; in this sentence?
    1. Adjective
    2. Noun
    3. Adverb
    4. None

  • We decided to do all the task ______ instead of waiting for help.
    1. of our own
    2. by ourselves
    3. ours
    4. All

  • Look, It _______.
    1. rains
    2. is raining
    3. has been raining
    4. had been raining

  • We can';t believe it. The story is ____ believable.
    1. In
    2. Un
    3. Dis
    4. None

  • I ______ Sidra yesterday.
    1. have seen
    2. saw
    3. had seen
    4. seen

  • It is _______ today.
    1. too much hot
    2. so much hot
    3. too hot
    4. more hotter

  • My father wanted _________ study.
    1. that I
    2. me to
    3. that I must
    4. that I should
    5. None

  • Which parts of speech shows the relationship of noun or pronoun with the rest of the sentence?
    1. Preposition
    2. Conjunction
    3. Adverb
    4. Interjection

  • there is a limit________ everything in life
    1. to
    2. on
    3. in
    4. with

  • I';m ______ pleased with it.
    1. Much
    2. Very
    3. Too
    4. None

  • ___________ you work very hard, you cannot pass. (KPPSC 2018 paper)
    1. Unless
    2. Until
    3. While
    4. As if

  • Which parts of speech describes where, when and how an action happens?
    1. Adjective
    2. Conjunction
    3. Verb
    4. Adverb
    5. Preposition

  • He want five thousand dollars to buy a car. He won';t be satisfied with less. What is ";less"; in this sentence?
    1. Noun
    2. Verb
    3. Adverb
    4. Adjective