• Boiling point of pure water is __________?
    1. 90';C
    2. 100';C
    3. None of these

  • Matter exists in______ states.
    1. One
    2. Three
    3. Five
    4. None of these

  • Which of the following are Biodegradable ___________?
    1. Dead Plants
    2. Glass
    3. None of these

  • Which of the following are non-biodegradable materials ______?
    1. Dead Animals
    2. Plastics
    3. Bread
    4. None of these

  • The main cause of air pollution is __________?
    1. Burning Of Fuels
    2. Forests
    3. Fertilizers
    4. None of these

  • Seed Coat is also called _________?
    1. Radical
    2. Testa
    3. Tegmen
    4. None of these

  • All of these are benefits of bacteria except ______?
    1. Decomposition
    2. Oxygen Production
    3. Nitrogen Fixation
    4. None of these

  • In your body where is the Macula located?
    1. Knee center of leg
    2. Eye center of Retina
    3. Brain center of Cerebrum
    4. None of these

  • Which vegetable is also a flower __________?
    1. Lady Finger
    2. Broccoli
    3. Tomato
    4. None of these

  • In Astronomy, what are Pallas, Vesta and Davida?
    1. Stars
    2. Comets
    3. Asteroids
    4. None of these

  • Cotyledons are very Important because they ________?
    1. Store Food
    2. Store Water
    3. Store Air
    4. None of these

  • Hepatitis and Polio is caused by________?
    1. Virus
    2. Fungus
    3. Moss
    4. None of these

  • First antibiotic was extracted from a _________?
    1. Bacteria
    2. virus
    3. Fungus
    4. None of these

  • Microorganisms can only be seen with an equipment called ________?
    1. Microscope
    2. Telescope
    3. Spectroscope
    4. None of these

  • The quantity of matter in an object is its ________?
    1. Force
    2. Mass
    3. Weight
    4. None of these

  • Which one is non flowering plant _______?
    1. Moss
    2. Jasmine
    3. Sun Flower
    4. None of these

  • Classification of Animals and Plants on the basis on chromosome number is called________?
    1. Ecology
    2. Taxonomy
    3. Botany
    4. None of these

  • In an MRI machine, which one of the following is used?
    1. Sound wave
    2. ‘X’-ray
    3. Ultra-sound wave
    4. Magnetic wave

  • Electrostatic precipitator is used to control?
    1. Air pollution
    2. Water pollution
    3. Solid waste
    4. Noise pollution

  • Lambert’s law is related to?
    1. Reflection
    2. Refraction
    3. Interference
    4. Illumination

  • The atmospheric air is held to the Earth by?
    1. gravity
    2. winds
    3. clouds
    4. rotation of the Earth

  • Which type of reaction produces the most harmful radiation?
    1. Fusion reaction
    2. Fission reaction
    3. Chemical reaction
    4. Photo-Chemical reaction

  • The time period of a pendulum when taken to the Moon would?
    1. remain the same
    2. decrease
    3. become zero
    4. increase

  • The period of revolution of a geostationary satellite is?
    1. 365 days
    2. 30 days
    3. 24 hours
    4. changing continuously

  • The scientist who first sent electromagnetic waves to distant places is?
    1. James Clerk Maxwell
    2. Heinrich Hertz
    3. Thomas Alva Edison
    4. John Logie Baird