• Male birds are ________ colorful than female birds.
    1. Less
    2. More
    3. Equal
    4. None of these

  • Atephobia is fear of _________?
    1. Imperfection
    2. Heights
    3. Attitude
    4. None of these

  • Pluviometer measures ___________?
    1. Wind
    2. Strength of Plywood
    3. Rainfall
    4. None of these

  • A transformer works on the principle of _______________?
    1. Self induction
    2. Mutual induction
    3. Generator
    4. Inverter

  • Intensity of gravitational field of earth is maximum at?
    1. Poles
    2. Equator
    3. Center of earth
    4. Surface

  • Angle of friction and angle of repose are?
    1. equal to each other
    2. not equal to each other
    3. proportional to each other
    4. None of these

  • How many kgs are in one ton?
    1. 707
    2. 907
    3. 807
    4. 607

  • Heat transfer horizontally within the atmosphere is called?
    1. Conduction
    2. Convection
    3. Absorption
    4. Advection

  • In which of the following processes is energy released ?
    1. Respiration
    2. Photosynthesis
    3. Ingestion
    4. Absorption

  • What is meant by intermediate goods and services?
    1. The same as capital goods, such as plants, buildings, vehicles, and machinery.
    2. Products which one firm buys off another and then uses up in its own products.
    3. All inputs bought by firms, including labor and raw materials.

  • Which of the following principleis used to produce ‘low-temperatures’ ?
    1. Super conductivity
    2. Joule-Kelvin effect
    3. Thermo-electric effect
    4. Adiabatic demagneti-sation

  • The electronic device which is used as a switch or amplifier is called ?
    1. Diode
    2. Resistor
    3. Transistor
    4. Transformer

  • Which of the following is an example for cantilever beam?
    1. Diving board
    2. Bridge
    3. See-saw
    4. Common balance

  • Atomic power plant works on the principle of?
    1. fission
    2. fusion
    3. thermal combustion
    4. combined effect of all the above three

  • According to the theory of relativity, which of the following always remains constant ?
    1. Length of an object
    2. Time
    3. Space
    4. Velocity of light

  • Freezing point of water at Fahrenheit Scale is?
    1. 0 °F
    2. 212 °F
    3. 32 °F
    4. -32 °F

  • Which one of the following wavelengths of light is most effective in photosynthesis?
    1. Blue
    2. Green
    3. Orange
    4. Yellow

  • A state of stress caused by concern for the earth';s environment is called?
    1. Eco-anxiety
    2. Eco-fear
    3. Eco-depression
    4. Eco-alarm

  • The cause for the Tsunami, as deduced by the seismologists, is?
    1. gravitational pull of the moon
    2. low pressure trough in the ocean
    3. deformation of sea floor and vertical displacement of water
    4. sudden change in the monsoon wind

  • Velocity of sound in air does not change with the change of?
    1. Temperature of air
    2. Pressure of air
    3. Moisture content in air
    4. Wind in the direction of propagation of sound

  • The diagnosis of anthrax in cattle may be made by__________?
    1. Spore staining
    2. Quellung reaction.
    3. Mcyfaydean reaction
    4. None of the above

  • The weakest of all fundamental forces is the ________________?
    1. Gravitational force
    2. Electrostatic force
    3. Magnetic force
    4. Nuclear force

  • The process involved in making soap is called?
    1. saponification
    2. hydrolysis
    3. condensation
    4. polymerisation

  • A boy sitting in an open car moving with the constant speed throws a ball straight up into the air. The ball falls _________?
    1. behind him
    2. in front of him
    3. into his hand
    4. by his side

  • The most distant human-made object sent into the space is?
    1. Voyager 1
    2. Pioneer 10
    3. Eris
    4. New Horizon