• The Doppler';s effect is applicable for_________?
    1. light waves only
    2. sound waves only
    3. Both Light waves and sound ways
    4. None of these

  • SONAR is based on the principle of___________?
    1. Echo
    2. reverberation
    3. resonance
    4. None of these

  • Which planet is losing its atmosphere at faster than the earth?
    1. Mecury
    2. Venus
    3. Mars
    4. Jupiter

  • Underground water and the water on the earth';s surface is called ?
    1. Mezosphere
    2. Ionosphere
    3. Hydrosphere
    4. None of these

  • Short sightedness is due to__________?
    1. Shifting of the iris
    2. Elongation of eyeballs
    3. Weakening of the retina
    4. Weaker muscles

  • First controlled fission of an atom was carried out in ________ on 1938.
    1. U.S
    2. Germany
    3. Russia
    4. U.K

  • Lignite, bituminous & anthracite are different rank of _________ ?
    1. Iron
    2. Coal
    3. Wood
    4. None of these

  • which of the following is the most severe storm?
    1. Hurricane
    2. Tornado
    3. Typhoon
    4. None of these

  • Scientific study of the Algae is known as ___________?
    1. Phycology
    2. Pomology
    3. Oneriology
    4. Trichology

  • The Scientific Study of Caves are know as _________ ?
    1. Haematology
    2. Speleology
    3. Oology
    4. Oneriology

  • The scientific study of spiders is called __________ ?
    1. Arachnology
    2. Osteology
    3. Pomology
    4. None of these

  • The nearest Star to the planet earth is ________ ?
    1. Regel
    2. Canopus
    3. Sun
    4. Betelgeuse

  • Which Civilization developed & implemented the first solar calendar?
    1. Babylonian
    2. Greek
    3. Egyptian
    4. Aztec

  • The mean distance of the earth from the sun is astronomical units is____________?
    1. 3.7 AU
    2. 10 AU
    3. 1 AU
    4. 101 AU

  • The first and largest asteroid discovered was__________?
    1. Pallas
    2. Juno
    3. Ceres
    4. Trojan

  • which of the following planets has no moons ?
    1. Mars
    2. Neptune
    3. Venus
    4. None of these

  • A pulsar is actually a___________?
    1. Black hole
    2. White dwarf
    3. Red giant
    4. Neutron star

  • The andromeda Galaxy is which type of the following types of galaxies ?
    1. Elliptical
    2. Spiral
    3. Irregular
    4. None of these.

  • Animal without red blood cells is_________ ?
    1. Frog
    2. Earthworm
    3. Snake
    4. Crocodile

  • Nuclear sizes are expressed in a unit named ?
    1. Tesla
    2. Force
    3. Fermi
    4. Newton

  • Which types of waves are used in a night vision apparatus ?
    1. Radio Waves
    2. Micro Waves
    3. Infrared Waves
    4. Magnetic waves

  • The ________ system is the closest star system to our sun.?
    1. Promixa Centauri
    2. Alpha Centauri
    3. Red proxima Centauri
    4. None of these

  • In onion pink color is due_____ ?
    1. anthocyanin
    2. Carotene
    3. Xanthophylls
    4. None of these

  • Red color of tomato is due to___________?
    1. Anthocyanin
    2. Xanthophyll';s
    3. Lycopene
    4. None of these

  • vitamin D is chemically know as_________ ?
    1. Retinol
    2. Calciferol
    3. Tocopherol
    4. None of these.