• Gales occur when the wind moves at the speed of _____ ?
    1. 35 km/h
    2. 55 km/h
    3. 75 km/h
    4. 100 km/h

  • Which layer of the atmosphere lies close to the earth?
    1. Stratosphere
    2. Mesosphere
    3. Troposphere
    4. Thermosphere

  • Balloons are filled with _________ ?
    1. Nitrogen

  • When sugar is added to water, its boiling point:__________?
    1. Increase
    2. Decrease
    3. Remain unchanged
    4. None of the above

  • For glavinizing of iron which of the following metals is used ?
    1. Aluminimum
    2. Copper
    3. Zinc
    4. Lead

  • Which of the following is the lightest substance?
    1. Uranium
    2. Hydrogen
    3. Oxygen
    4. Nitrogen

  • Which of these is NOT a form of energy?
    1. Heat
    2. Light
    3. Temperature
    4. Electricity

  • Which of these is NOT an example of a renewable energy source?
    1. Wind energy
    2. solar
    3. Coal
    4. Hydroelectric power

  • Who discovered that the earth was not the center of the universe?
    1. Aristotle
    2. Nicolaus Copernicus
    3. Sir Isac Newton
    4. None

  • Vitamin C is essential for___________?
    1. Appetite
    2. Growth & repairing of tissues
    3. Muscles
    4. Brain

  • Human eye is how many Megapixels?
    1. 1080 MP
    2. 720 MP
    3. 576 MP
    4. 570 MP

  • Permanent hardness of water may be removed by the addition of___________?
    1. Sodium Carbonate
    2. Alum
    3. Potassium Permanganate
    4. Lime

  • In radiation, which of the following has strong photons?
    1. X-Rays
    2. Gamma
    3. Microwave
    4. Electromagnetic

  • Medium sized kidney stones are removed by__________?
    1. Dialysis
    2. Lithotripsy
    3. Excretion
    4. Laser

  • Accumulation of salts in kidneys results in_________?
    1. Diabetes
    2. Hypertension
    3. Cancer
    4. Kidney Stone

  • The apart of neuron which receives message are__________?
    1. Cell Bodies
    2. Axons
    3. Nuclei
    4. Dendrites

  • Sensory neurons carry message towards ?
    1. Muscle
    2. Muscles and Glands
    3. Sense and Organs
    4. Brain and Spinal Cord

  • Identify the blackest fish in the oceans?
    1. Black Seafish
    2. Black Dragon fish
    3. Black Sea Horse
    4. Black Gillfish

  • Speed of sound in air is _______km/h?
    1. 1347
    2. 243
    3. 1235
    4. 1495

  • Inflammation of liver is caused by____________?
    1. Cholera
    2. Hepatitis
    3. Typhoid
    4. Jaundice

  • Crude Oil is heated in the furnace up to _________?
    1. 300°C
    2. 350°C
    3. 400°C
    4. 450°C

  • Sunsets on Mars are _________?
    1. Red
    2. Blue
    3. Yellow
    4. Orange

  • Only planet whose day is longer than its year is__________?
    1. Mercury
    2. Neptune
    3. Venus
    4. None of These

  • Milk contains water
    1. 70%
    2. 75%
    3. 87%
    4. 90%

  • Which of the following disease affects the skin ?
    1. Rickets
    2. Osteoporosis
    3. Anemia
    4. Pellagra