• Any disease or infection that is naturally transmissible from vertebrate animals to humans is called?
    1. Zonoses
    2. Zoonoses
    3. Ananoses
    4. Chordnoses

  • Ageusia is the loss of which sense?
    1. Taste
    2. Smell
    3. Memory
    4. Sight
    5. Listening

  • Keeping of Birds Called___________?
    1. Apiculture
    2. Aviculture
    3. Viniculture
    4. Viticulture

  • Which of the following is used for hearing the sound of heart and lungs?
    1. Steroscope
    2. Stethoscope
    3. Oscillator
    4. Oncolator

  • Red blood cells are produced in_________?
    1. Liver
    2. Heart
    3. Spleen
    4. Bone-marrow

  • Fathom is the unit of measurement for__________?
    1. Sound
    2. Depth
    3. Energy
    4. Time

  • Who discovered the Polio Vaccine?
    1. Jonas Salk
    2. Jaber Ibn Hayan
    3. Selman Waksman
    4. None of these

  • Who was the surgeon who pioneered antiseptic surgery in 1865?
    1. Edward Jenner
    2. Joseph Lister
    3. Henry William
    4. John Sleeman

  • ';ELISA'; test is employed to diagnose?
    1. Corona virus
    2. AIDS antibodies
    3. Tuberculosis bacterium
    4. Cancer

  • Sleeping sickness in the natives of Africa is caused by________?
    1. Trichomonas
    2. Giardia
    3. Leishmania
    4. Trypanosoma

  • Which of the following is not a mosquito born disease?
    1. Dengue fever
    2. Malaria
    3. Sleeping sickness
    4. Filariasis

  • Amnesia is related to:__________?
    1. Sleeping sickness
    2. Loss of sight
    3. Loss of hearing
    4. Loss of memory

  • Which two organs glands are affected by malaria?
    1. Lungs and heart
    2. Spleen and liver
    3. Kidneys and lungs
    4. Heart and brain

  • A chronometer meter measures__________?
    1. Sound waves
    2. Time
    3. Color contrast
    4. Water waves

  • Who discovered the Solar system ?
    1. Copernicus
    2. Newton
    3. Galileo
    4. Kepler

  • Vector of Kala-azar disease is___________?
    1. Sandfly
    2. Dragonfly
    3. Mosquito
    4. Housefly

  • Which of the following is not a contagious disease?
    1. Hysteria
    2. Measles
    3. Typhoid
    4. Influenza

  • Deficiency diseases are caused due to the deficiency of___________?
    1. Proteins
    2. Vitamins
    3. Carbohydrates
    4. Fats

  • Which of the following is nutritional deficiency disease?
    1. Albinism
    2. Cirrhosis
    3. Rabies
    4. Pellagra

  • Vitamin B3 is also known as__________?
    1. Thiamine
    2. Riboflavin
    3. Niacin
    4. Retinol

  • Vitamin B2 is also called as__________?
    1. Riboflavin
    2. Thiamine
    3. Ascorbic Acid
    4. Niacin

  • Vitamin B1 is also known as____________?
    1. Riboflavin
    2. Retinol
    3. Thiamine
    4. Niacin

  • A branch of medicine dealing with eyes and related diseases is called_________?
    1. Opthalmology
    2. Obstetrics
    3. Physiology
    4. Haematology

  • The study of geographical areas, plants and animal distribution is called_________?
    1. Cosmetology
    2. Chorology
    3. Osteology
    4. Mycology

  • The study of forces acting upon bodies in motion in the air is called__________?
    1. Aeronautics
    2. Aerophysics
    3. Aerodynamics
    4. Aerofraction