• The scientific study of fingerprints is called _________ ?
    1. Dactylography
    2. Dactylology
    3. Dactyliology
    4. Dialectology

  • What is the molecular formula for Ammonia?
    1. NH
    2. NH2
    3. NH3
    4. NH4

  • What is the third most common gas found in the air we breathe ________ ?
    1. Hydrogen
    2. Neon
    3. Carbondioxide
    4. Argon

  • What is the Molecular Formula for Glucose _______ ?
    1. C4H10O6
    2. C5H11O6
    3. C6H12O6
    4. S6H12O6

  • Which of the following is a diverse group of hydrophobic molecules?
    1. Carbohydrates
    2. Lipids
    3. Proteins
    4. Nucleic acids

  • What is the chemical formula for Sulfuric acid?
    1. H2SO4

  • The M.K.S. system was first introduced by _________ ?
    1. Giorgi
    2. Archimedes
    3. Eienstein
    4. Newton

  • A mixture of sand and naphthalene can be separated by ________ ?
    1. Sublimation
    2. None of these

  • What is the chemical formula for Sodium carbonate _______ ?
    1. Na3CO2
    2. Na2CO3
    3. Na3CO3

  • A ‘breath test’ used by traffic police to check drunken driving uses ____?
    1. Turmeric on filter paper
    2. Silica gel coated with silver nitrate
    3. potassium permanganate-sulphuric acid
    4. Potassium dichromatic-sulphuric acid

  • Brass gets discoloured in air because of the presence of which of the following gases in air ________ ?
    1. Carbon dioxide
    2. Oxygen
    3. Nitrogen
    4. Hydrogen sulphide

  • Hydrogen bomb is based on the principle of ________ ?
    1. Nuclear fusion
    2. Artificial radioactivity
    3. Natural radioactivity
    4. Nuclear fission

  • Elements which have same number of protons but different number of neutrons are called as _________ ?
    1. Isotopes
    2. Isomers
    3. Allotropes
    4. Allomers

  • Proton number is denoted by symbol __________ ?
    1. M
    2. Z
    3. P
    4. A

  • When an acid reacts with a metal, which one of the following gas is usually liberated?
    1. Ammonia Gas
    2. Chlorine
    3. Oxygen

  • The protein Improtin-11, that was recently identified by scientists, is linked with causing which type of cancer?
    1. Blood Cancer
    2. Colorectal Cancer
    3. Lung Cancer
    4. Prostate Cancer

  • The study of X-rays and their medical applications is called _________ ?
    1. Radiology
    2. Raciology
    3. Rheumatology
    4. Rheology

  • What is the Medical term for Fever?
    1. HHypothermia
    2. Pyrexia
    3. Hypertension
    4. Thermophilia

  • In context of environment, the term ";dirty dozen"; refers to _____?
    1. 12 most harmful greenhouse gases
    2. 12 ozone depleting substances
    3. 12 persistent organic pollutants
    4. None of the above

  • Only male frog produce croacking sound because _________ ?
    1. Male frog can magnify their voice with the help of sound box.
    2. Male frog have three pair of vocal cord
    3. Female frog have larynx but no vocal cord
    4. Female frog have no larynx

  • During rainy season Wooden doors are difficult to open or closure because of ________ ?
    1. Plasmolysis
    2. Imbibition
    3. Osmosis
    4. Diffusion

  • The Study of growth is called ______ ?
    1. Auxology
    2. Autology
    3. Avionics
    4. Axiology

  • How many Number of eyes found in Earthworm?
    1. One
    2. Many
    3. No eye
    4. Two

  • Botany is also called _______ ?
    1. Phytology
    2. Phycology
    3. Pedology
    4. Plantophyta

  • The study of the structure of the body is called _______ ?
    1. Anthropobiology
    2. Anatomy
    3. Aphnology
    4. Apiology