• What is the photometer?
    1. Testing picture Quality
    2. Measuring light Intensity
    3. Measuring Size of Picture
    4. Checking colors and Pictures

  • The only vitamin which can not be stored in human body?
    1. Vitamin C
    2. vitamin D
    3. vitamin K
    4. None of these

  • What is the scientific name of flying fish ?
    1. Exocoetidae
    2. Anoplopoma fimbria
    3. Orthopsetta sordida
    4. Xiphias gladius

  • The human heart is _______ ?
    1. Ampullary Heart
    2. Pulsating Heart
    3. Myogenic Heart
    4. Neurogenic Heart

  • Which of the following pairs belong to the category of cold blooded animals?
    1. Snakes and birds
    2. Bat and rats
    3. Frog and snakes
    4. Birds and monkey

  • What type of a mirror is used in anti-shop-lifting-devices?
    1. Convex mirror
    2. Concave mirror
    3. Plane mirror
    4. Both (b) and (c)

  • Why the colour of the Ocean appears blue?
    1. Because the sunlight falling on it is scattered.
    2. Because the sunlight falling on it is absorbed.
    3. Because the sunlight falling on it is refracted.
    4. Because the sunlight falling on it is reflected.

  • The distance between the optical centre of a convex lens and its principal focus is called its_______?
    1. Focal Length
    2. Radius of Curvature
    3. Power
    4. Magnification

  • The distance of a place South or North of equator is called__________?

  • A convex mirror always ___________ ?
    1. Forms a real image
    2. Forms a virtual image
    3. Forms an inverted image
    4. Produces a larger image

  • Which among the following types of lenses are prescribed by doctors for a patient suffering from astigmatism?
    1. Cylindrical Lens
    2. Concave Lens
    3. Spherical Lens
    4. Convex Lens

  • A doctor who specializes in diseases of the nose?
    1. Rhinologist
    2. Otologist
    3. Pathologist
    4. Podiatrist

  • What animal has longest gestation period of about 640 to 660 days or 95 weeks of any land animal ?
    1. Blue Whale
    2. Elephant
    3. Opossum
    4. None of these

  • Which of the following is a force?
    1. Heat
    2. Light
    3. Magnetism
    4. Kinetic

  • Dioptre is a unit of measurement for __________ ?
    1. Current
    2. Lens
    3. Force
    4. Focal Length

  • Transistor is a device that convert weak signal into__________?
    1. small signal
    2. strong signal
    3. both
    4. none

  • Second name of ethyl alcohol is___________?
    1. Ethene
    2. Ethanol
    3. Propyle
    4. none

  • Eletromagneticism is the branch of___________?
    1. Chemistry
    2. Physics
    3. Both
    4. None of these

  • Which one of the following non-metals is not a poor conductor of electricity?
    1. Sulphur
    2. Selenium
    3. Bromine
    4. Phosphorus

  • Which of the following is the world’s loudest bird ?
    1. White bellbird
    2. Peacock
    3. Piha
    4. None of the above

  • Which of the following is used in beauty parlours for hair setting?
    1. Silicon
    2. Chlorine
    3. Sulphur
    4. Phosphorus

  • Which of the following is not a chemical reaction ?
    1. Burning of coal
    2. Conversion of water into steam
    3. Digestion of food
    4. Burning of paper

  • Which of the following is commonly called a polyamide ?
    1. Rayon
    2. Nylon
    3. Terylene
    4. Orion

  • Which of the following protects the body against infectious disease and foreign invaders?
    1. Leukocytes
    2. Red blood cells
    3. Endoplasmic reticulum (ER)
    4. Golgi apparatus

  • What';s the Strongest Muscle in the Human Body based on its weight?
    1. Hands
    2. Masseter
    3. Neck
    4. Legs