• Name the Scientist who stated that matter can be converted into energy?
    1. Boyle
    2. Einstein
    3. Avogadro
    4. Lavoisier

  • Which has the lowest pH?
    1. Hepatic Bile
    2. Gastric Juice
    3. Saliva
    4. Pancreatic Juice

  • The photo-receptors in the eye are present in___________?
    1. Cornea
    2. Retina
    3. Iris
    4. Sclera

  • By which process does the smell of cooking spread to all the rooms in a house?
    1. Distillation
    2. Diffusion
    3. Decomposition
    4. Displacement

  • The movement of any solvent across a semipermeable membrane is called__________?
    1. Osmosis
    2. Cataphoresis
    3. Electrolysis
    4. Electrophoresis

  • The process whereby energy is dissipated from the oscillating system is called__________?
    1. Oscillation
    2. Damping
    3. Resonance
    4. None of these

  • Internal friction of fluid is called_________?
    1. Viscosity
    2. Surface tension
    3. Resistance
    4. Cohesive force

  • What is the name of the gas used in an air conditioner?
    1. Ammonia
    2. Nitrous oxide
    3. Freon
    4. CO2

  • What is the one of the other name of Vitamin ";A";?
    1. Riboflavin
    2. Ascorbic Acid
    3. Retinol
    4. Thiamin

  • Which of the following gland hasĀ  shape of butterfly?
    1. Thyroid gland
    2. Pituitary gland
    3. Adrenal gland
    4. Pineal gland

  • Another name of vitamin C is__________?
    1. Ascorbic Acid
    2. Acitic Acid
    3. Citric Acid
    4. Lysozyme

  • Which of following is the smallest endocrine gland in the human body?
    1. Thyroid gland
    2. Pituitary gland
    3. Adrenal gland
    4. Pineal gland

  • Which gas is used to extinguish fire?
    1. Nitrous Oxide
    2. Methane
    3. Carbon Dioxide
    4. Carbon Dioxide and Nitrous Oxide

  • __________ gas is released when coal is burnes in ln lack of Oxygen?
    1. Carbon Dioxide
    2. Methane
    3. Ethene
    4. Carbon Monoxide

  • Fan was invented by___________?
    1. Arthur Schimit
    2. Alfered Nobel
    3. Skaats Wheeler
    4. None of these

  • According to which law gas is directly proportional to temperature?
    1. Charles Law
    2. Boyles Law
    3. Grams Law
    4. Dalton';s Law

  • Who said that light is made of corpuscles/particles?
    1. Maxwell
    2. Einstein
    3. Newton
    4. Huygein

  • Who discovered blood circulation?
    1. Carl Linnaeus
    2. Francis Crik
    3. Robert. Brown
    4. William Harvey

  • Who invented steamboat?
    1. James Watt
    2. Robert Fluton
    3. Frank Whittle
    4. George Stephenson

  • Other name of white blood cells is _____________?
    1. Erythrocytes
    2. Leukocytes
    3. Thrombocytes
    4. None of these

  • Other name of platelets _______?
    1. Erythrocytes
    2. Leukocytes
    3. thrombocytes
    4. None of these

  • Other name of red blood cells is ____________?
    1. Erythrocytes
    2. Leukocytes
    3. Thrombocytes
    4. None of these

  • Albert Einstein was a____________?
    1. Physicist
    2. Physician
    3. Chemist
    4. Biologist

  • Bubo bubo is the scientific name of which of the following species?
    1. Hen
    2. Peacock
    3. Eagle
    4. Owl

  • Which of the following flower is called Queen of Water?
    1. Rose
    2. Lilly
    3. Rafflesia
    4. Tulip