• What is the largest flower in the world?
    1. Conifer
    2. Fern
    3. Rafflesia
    4. Horsetail

  • How many latitude lines are there?
    1. 90
    2. 180
    3. 270
    4. 360

  • Who is the known as the father of taxonomy?
    1. Aristotle
    2. Fransco Redi
    3. Carolus Linnaeus
    4. Rachel Carson

  • Which of the following is a currency of Body cells?
    1. ADP
    2. DNA
    3. RNA
    4. ATP

  • Which of the following acid is used in Ink?
    1. Valeric
    2. Acetic
    3. Formic
    4. Tannic

  • How is ammonia synthesized?
    1. Herber process
    2. Regrigration process
    3. Contact process
    4. All of these

  • Which of the following science is considered ";mother of all sciences";?
    1. Biology
    2. Mathematics
    3. Physics
    4. Chemistry

  • Which of the following letter does not represent in periodic table?
    1. X
    2. K
    3. J
    4. N

  • There is a hole in the Ozone Layer at__________?
    1. South Pole
    2. North Pole
    3. Both A and B
    4. None of These

  • Wisdom teeth normally grow between the age of___________?
    1. 34-40
    2. 17-30
    3. 45-55
    4. 10-17

  • Chronometer is invented by________?
    1. Robert Fulton
    2. Nikola Tesla
    3. Martin Cooper
    4. John Harrison

  • Which is the purest form of water?
    1. Rain water
    2. Heavy water
    3. Tap water
    4. None of these

  • Animals use nitrogen in the form of_________?
    1. Nitrogen
    2. Nitrates
    3. Nitrites
    4. None of Above

  • Dinosaurs and many other species were extinct about ________ years ago.
    1. 55 million
    2. 66 million
    3. 75 million
    4. 85 million

  • The biggest planet in solar system is ______ and having _____ moons?
    1. Uranus , Sixteen
    2. Jupiter, Seventy-nine
    3. Saturn, Sixteen
    4. Uranus, two

  • Edward Genner discovered ';vaccine'; in___________?
    1. 1796
    2. 1978
    3. 1686
    4. 1933

  • speed of sound in dry air at 20 °C is___________?
    1. 353 m/s
    2. 345 m/s
    3. 343 m/s
    4. none of them

  • Sound travels about ___________times faster in water than in air.
    1. 3
    2. 4
    3. 5

  • Nervous system includes which of these major components?
    1. Brain
    2. Brain and Back Bone
    3. brain, spinal cord and neurons
    4. None

  • The lenses are used for the correction of:____________?
    1. Long-sightedness
    2. short sightedness
    3. Both A & B
    4. None of those

  • Water has been discovered on which potentially habitable super-Earth ?
    1. K2-14d
    2. K2-15c
    3. K2-13a

  • The Saturn rings discovered by___________?
    1. Newton
    2. Robert Brown
    3. Galileo
    4. None of these

  • The Planet which revolves slowly around the Sun is__________?
    1. Mercury
    2. Mars
    3. Earth
    4. Neptune

  • The ";Rising"; of the ";evening star"; indicates the direction of the____________?
    1. South Pole
    2. East
    3. West
    4. North

  • Reptiles hibernate during_______?
    1. Summer
    2. Winter
    3. Spring
    4. Autumn