• Which of the following plants are called arthrophytes?
    1. Sphenopsids
    2. Lycopsids
    3. Psilopsids
    4. Pteropsids

  • Apiculture refers to___________?
    1. Rearing silk worms
    2. Science of bee keeping
    3. Science of gardening
    4. Science of cultural norms and trends

  • Ring planet is Saturn; least dense and 2nd largest planet is_________?
    1. Jupiter
    2. Saturn
    3. Neptune
    4. Mercury

  • The most dense and heaviest planet is___________?
    1. Jupiter
    2. Earth
    3. Mars
    4. Venus

  • Guava has the maximum amount of which Vitamin?
    1. vitamin K
    2. vitamin B
    3. vitamin C
    4. vitamin D
    5. 100 g fresh fruit provides 228 mg of this vitamin, more than three times the DRI (daily-recommended intake). The flesh just underneath its outer thick rind contains exceptionally higher levels of vitamin C than its inner creamy pulp.

  • Black gold is an oil; Black diamond is_________?
    1. Copper
    2. Iron
    3. Coal
    4. Wood

  • Trypsin is an enzyme which digests protein produced by_____________?
    1. Liver
    2. Pancreas
    3. Stomach
    4. Small intestine

  • Biopsy is done on tissues taken from__________?
    1. Human body
    2. Animal body
    3. Living body
    4. Dead body

  • Liver uses which vitamin for creating new Red Blood cells?
    1. B12
    2. B6
    3. A
    4. K

  • The only living cells in the body without blood supply is___________?
    1. Pupil
    2. Nail
    3. Cornea
    4. Hair

  • Ozone layer protects the Earth from __________ radiations from the Sun.
    1. microwaves
    2. infrared
    3. X-rays
    4. ultraviolet

  • A common skin condition that causes skin redness and irritation is known as_________?
    1. Psoriasis
    2. Hypermetropia
    3. Leukoderma
    4. Diphtheria

  • A clouding that develops in the lens of the eye or in its envelope obstructing the passage of light is known as________?
    1. Glaucoma
    2. Hemophilia
    3. Cataract
    4. Diphtheria

  • The blind spot is located at the ___________ of the eye ?
    1. pupil
    2. vitreous humor
    3. aqueous humor
    4. optic disc

  • The average weight of man';s brain is 4.8 ounces. What is the average weight of woman';s brain ?
    1. 4.8 ounce
    2. 5.8 ounce
    3. 5.4 ounce
    4. 4.4 ounce

  • Which layer of the atmosphere reflects radio waves back to the earth’s surface?
    1. Troposphere
    2. Stratosphere
    3. Ozone layer
    4. Ionosphere

  • The hormone that increases the rate of heart beat and blood pressure after shock in a person is___________?
    1. Adrenalin
    2. Gastrin
    3. Thyroxin
    4. Pancreatic

  • Which one of the following represents a chemical change_________?
    1. Sublimation of iodine
    2. Heating a platinum wire in a Bunsen flame
    3. Heating of mercuric oxide powder
    4. Evaporation of alcohol

  • Dental mirror is what type of a mirror?
    1. Convex mirror
    2. Concave mirror
    3. Plane mirror
    4. none of these

  • A temporary magnet should be made from _______?
    1. Copper
    2. Tin
    3. Iron
    4. None

  • The unit of torque in International system of unit is _________?
    1. Newton
    2. Newton-Meter
    3. Kilogram
    4. Meter

  • According to quantum theory of light, photons are _______?
    1. Waves
    2. Particles
    3. Energy packets
    4. Electromagnetic

  • Silicon is an example of _________?
    1. No-conductor
    2. Semiconductor
    3. Super Conductor
    4. None of these

  • Instrument that measure the electric force ________?
    1. Hygrometer
    2. Hydrometer
    3. Ammeter
    4. Voltmeter

  • Hypermetropia or Hyperopia means being able to see__________________?
    1. Distant objects opaque
    2. Distant object clearly
    3. Close objects unclear
    4. Close objects clearly