• Which of the following is the study of micro- organisms, mostly viruses and single called organisms such as bacteria, yeasts and protozoa ?
    1. Microbiology
    2. Micrology
    3. Histopathology
    4. Tavelogy

  • Name the animal which can live without water in its entire life?
    1. Desert lizard
    2. Camel
    3. Kangaroo rat
    4. Cuttlefish

  • NASA scientists have recently detected water vapor on which Jupiter';s moon?
    1. Callisto
    2. Europa
    3. lo
    4. None

  • Isotopes of an element have the same number of _______?
    1. Neutrons
    2. Protons
    3. Electrons
    4. Beta rays

  • ";Gastric juice"; is a secretion of the glands present in________?
    1. Gall Bladder
    2. Kidneys
    3. Stomach
    4. None of these

  • Hepatitis C is a leading cause of_________?
    1. HIV
    2. Diabetes
    3. Chronic Liver disease
    4. AIDS

  • Sound travels in air at an average speed of nearly________ ?
    1. 1257 miles per hour
    2. 755 miles per hour
    3. 330 miles per hour
    4. None of these

  • When sound waves travel from air to water which of the following quantities remains unchanged?
    1. Speed
    2. Frequency
    3. Intensity
    4. Wavelength

  • Which of the following is both endocrine and exocrine gland?
    1. thyroid
    2. pancreas
    3. parathyroid
    4. all of these

  • All of the following organs in the human body are located both on the right and the left sides, except;_________?
    1. Lungs
    2. Kidneys
    3. Spleen
    4. Eyes

  • The main cause of floods in the river is__________?
    1. Heavy snowfall
    2. Earthquakes
    3. Deforestation
    4. Construction of dams

  • Hyetology is the study of__________?
    1. High pressure
    2. Rainfall
    3. High temperature
    4. Earthquake

  • Birth control pills contain synthetic________?
    1. Sugars
    2. Hormones
    3. Vitamins
    4. Minerals

  • Cover of the capsule is made of__________?
    1. Paper
    2. Polythene
    3. Eggshell
    4. Gelatin

  • What part of the brain controls thirst and hunger?
    1. Thalamus
    2. Hypothalamus
    3. Aymgdala
    4. None

  • Which of the following invention is oldest ?
    1. Clock
    2. Microscope
    3. Barometer
    4. Cycle

  • Which waves are used in sonography?
    1. Ultrasonic waves
    2. Electromagnetic Waves
    3. Fundamentals of waves
    4. Transverse wave

  • Substance whose atoms can be split are known as __________ materials.
    1. Fusionable
    2. Fissionable
    3. Combustible
    4. None of these

  • ";Green House Effect"; means:____________?
    1. Pollution
    2. Prevention of ultraviolet rays
    3. Trapping of Solar energy due to atmospheric carbon dioxide
    4. D. None

  • Tropism mostly refers to as_______?
    1. Bird migration
    2. Directional growth of a plant
    3. Longevity of animal species
    4. Behavioral pattern of human

  • A seed can germinate in the absence of__________?
    1. Oxygen
    2. Light
    3. Moisture
    4. Temperature

  • Diamond is harder than Graphite because of___________?
    1. Difference in crystalline Structure
    2. Tetrahedral structure of diamond
    3. Difference in layer of atoms
    4. None of these

  • Which of these is a micronutrient of plants?
    1. Oxygen
    2. Nitrogen
    3. Boron
    4. Carbon

  • Which planet is called ";red planet";?
    1. Mars
    2. Venus
    3. Jupiter
    4. Saturn

  • An example of rhizome is_________?
    1. Carrot
    2. Tomato
    3. Ginger
    4. Garlic