• Disease beri beri is because of___________?
    1. Lack of green vegetables in diet
    2. Use of milled rice
    3. Deficiency of calcium in bones
    4. Poor use of citrus fruits

  • Lock Jaw i.e. difficulty in opening the mouth, is a symptom of___________?
    1. Chlorea
    2. Plague
    3. Diphtheira
    4. Tetanus

  • The main Constituent of Biogas is__________?
    1. Methane
    2. Hydrogyn
    3. Oxygen
    4. Carbin dioxide

  • The Renaissance scientist who explained how planets moved around the sun was
    1. Kepler
    2. Rebelais
    3. Francis Bacorr
    4. Gutenber

  • The Proportion of Hydrogen to Helium in the Sun is________?
    1. 3:2
    2. 3:1
    3. 1:1
    4. 3:4

  • Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune are called_________?
    1. Jovian planets
    2. Terrestrial Planets
    3. Both A & B
    4. None of these

  • Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars are called___________?
    1. Dwarf Planet
    2. Gaseous Planets
    3. Terrestrial Planets
    4. Both A & B

  • Which of the following cutting conditions greatly affects the tool wear?
    1. Cutting speed
    2. Feed
    3. Depth of cut
    4. None of the above

  • In which type of solar eclipse the Sun';s center is covered by the moon, leaving its edges uncovered?
    1. Partial Solar Eclipse
    2. Total Solar Eclipse
    3. Annular Solar Eclipse
    4. None of the above

  • Almost identical eclipses occur after 18 years and 11 days. This cycle is known as__________?
    1. Partial Eclipse cycle
    2. Total Eclipse Cycle
    3. Saros Cycle
    4. None of the above

  • Day and night are the results of__________?
    1. Earth rotation around its axis
    2. Earth revolution
    3. Earth rotation accompanied with its revolution.
    4. None of these

  • Joint in which bones are joined together by fibrous tissues is called _____________ ?
    1. Cartilaginous joint
    2. Synovial joint
    3. Ball and socket joint

  • How many longitudes are there in Globe?
    1. 90
    2. 180
    3. 270
    4. 360

  • The coldest region of the Earth’s atmosphere is__________?
    1. Exosphere
    2. Thermosphere
    3. Stratopause
    4. Mesopause

  • Which Planet is known as Watery Planet?
    1. Earth
    2. Mars
    3. Jupiter
    4. Mercury

  • How many bones are in human Eyes?
    1. Three
    2. Four
    3. Five
    4. Seven

  • Which part of the body is attacked by ";Gingivitis"; disease?
    1. Eyes
    2. Nails
    3. Gums
    4. Nostrils

  • Example of gas having monoatomic molecules is ___________ ?
    1. Nitrogen
    2. Nydrogen
    3. Neon and argon
    4. Oxygen and nitrogen

  • Atom was a name given by ____________ ?
    1. Democritus
    2. Bohr
    3. Rutherford
    4. Archimedes

  • Electric motor was invented by __________ ?
    1. Michael Faraday
    2. Oliver Evans
    3. Thomas Edison
    4. Horace Day

  • Vernal equinox of northern hemisphere in March marks season of __________ ?
    1. Spring
    2. Summer
    3. Winter
    4. Autumn

  • Very High Frequency (VHF) have __________ wavelengths?
    1. shorter
    2. shortest
    3. longer
    4. longest

  • Places where the temperature of air is above freezing point of the water, the precipitation will be in the form of ________ ?
    1. Hailstorms
    2. Thunders
    3. Rain
    4. Lightning

  • Places where the temperature of air is below freezing point of the water, the precipitation will be in the form of __________ ?
    1. Snow
    2. Lightning
    3. Hailstorms
    4. Thunders

  • How many Calories are there in 100 grams Natural Honey?
    1. 107
    2. 209
    3. 304
    4. 416