• An ordinary mobile phone communicate by using___________?
    1. Sound waves
    2. Infrared waves
    3. UV waves
    4. Radio waves

  • Symbol of Iron is__________?
    1. Na
    2. Fr
    3. Fe
    4. Zn

  • Carbon dioxide was discovered by_______?
    1. Niels Bohr
    2. Amedeo Avogadro
    3. Joseph Black
    4. None of Above

  • Molasses is a byproduct of ______ Factory ?
    1. Fertilizer
    2. Cotton seed oil
    3. Sugar
    4. Banaspati Ghee

  • What is the name of the Active asteroid discovered near Jupiter?
    1. 2019 Jup1036
    2. 2019 JR10A
    3. 2019 LD2
    4. 2019 AA1

  • An active asteroid is discovered near ________ Orbit for the first time in billion years.
    1. Saturn
    2. Mars
    3. Neptune
    4. Jupiter

  • Most soluble in water is:__________?
    1. Camphor
    2. Sulphur
    3. Common salt
    4. Sugar

  • The element common to all acids is:__________?
    1. Hydrogen
    2. Carbon
    3. Sulphur
    4. Oxygen

  • Which of the following is used as a lubricant?
    1. Graphite
    2. Silica
    3. Diamond
    4. Iron oxide

  • BCG vaccine is used to produce immunity against___________?
    1. Whooping cough
    2. Tuberculosis
    3. Virus fever
    4. Smallpox

  • How many teeth does a dog have?
    1. 42
    2. 45
    3. 46
    4. 47

  • Sagittarius-A, the Blackhole at the centre of the Milky Way Galaxy is at a distance of_________?
    1. 25500 Lightyears
    2. 24500 Lightyears
    3. 23640 Lightyears
    4. 25640 Lightyears

  • By which hormone High Blood Sugar level can be controlled in stomach?
    1. Glucose
    2. Insulin
    3. Thyroxin
    4. Non-Apinefreen

  • The tread mills training is prescribed for the injured athlete for the purpose of improving his/her_________?
    1. Muscle strength
    2. Stability of the body
    3. Range of motion
    4. Muscle endurance

  • To which of the following chambers of the heart, is the aorta connected?
    1. Left ventricle
    2. Right ventricle
    3. Right auricle
    4. Left auricle

  • Blood is cleaned by __________?
    1. Lungs
    2. Liver
    3. Heart
    4. Kidneys

  • Vitamins were discovered by__________?
    1. Moesley
    2. Chadwick
    3. Frank Whittle
    4. Casimir Funk

  • The best conductor of heat among liquid is___________?
    1. Water
    2. Mercury
    3. Ether
    4. Alcohol

  • Aviation fuel for Jet Aeroplanes consists of purified________?
    1. Petrol
    2. Kerosene
    3. Gasoline
    4. Diesel

  • Optic fibers are mainly used for which of the following:
    1. Communication
    2. Weaving
    3. Food indudtry
    4. None of these

  • What is the wavelength of visible spectrum:
    1. 1300-3000A
    2. 3900-7600A
    3. 7800-8000A
    4. None of these

  • Sound of frequency below 20 Hz is:___________?
    1. Audiosonic
    2. Infrasonic
    3. Ultrasonic
    4. Supersonic

  • Bt seed is associated with:___________?
    1. Rice
    2. Wheat
    3. Cotton
    4. Oilseed

  • The natural source of hydrocarbon is:___________?
    1. Crude oil
    2. Biomass
    3. Coal
    4. Carbohydrates

  • If the level of atmospheric pollution increases:
    1. The length of the day will increases
    2. The length of the day will decreases
    3. The length of the day will remain same
    4. None of these