• Sericulture is the study of which discipline ?
    1. silk production
    2. milk Production
    3. honey production
    4. forest timber production

  • Earthquakes occur most frequently at __________?
    1. Plate boundaries
    2. Plate surface
    3. Ocean beds
    4. All of the above

  • P Waves are also said to be __________ waves?
    1. Push-pull
    2. Side-side
    3. Up-down
    4. None of the above

  • In general, the most destructive earthquake waves are the __________ ?
    1. P waves
    2. S waves
    3. Surface waves
    4. All of the above

  • Place directly above focus on Earth';s surface is known as _________?
    1. Strike
    2. Comma
    3. Epicenter
    4. Origin

  • The point within the Earth where earthquakes originate is _________?
    1. Comma
    2. Origin
    3. Epicenter
    4. Focus

  • Magnitude of energy released by an earthquake is calculated using ________?
    1. Earthquake scale
    2. Seismic scale
    3. Temblor scale

  • The ability of the Eye to see in the dark, is due to the production of a purple pigment known as________?
    1. Retinene
    2. Carotene
    3. Rhodopsin
    4. Iodopsin

  • The brain of human adult weighs about_________?
    1. 1200 – 1300 gm
    2. 1600 – 2000 gm
    3. 500 – 800 gm
    4. 100 – 200 gm

  • What happens to a person who receives the wrong type of blood?
    1. All the arteries constrict
    2. All the arteries dialates
    3. The RBCs agglutinate
    4. The spleen and lymphnodes deteriorate

  • EEG records the activity of__________?
    1. Heart
    2. Lungs
    3. Brain
    4. Muscles

  • The toxicity of which of the following heavy metals leads to Liver cirrhosis?
    1. Copper
    2. Lead
    3. Mercury
    4. Zinc

  • Insufficient blood supply in human body is referred as___________?
    1. Ischemia
    2. Hyperemia
    3. Hemostasia
    4. Hemorrhage

  • What inspired reflecting road lights to be invented?
    1. Sun light on steel posts on road sides
    2. The sun light on the windshield

  • Cell or Tissue death within a living body is called as__________?
    1. Neutrophilia
    2. Nephrosis
    3. Necrosis
    4. Neoplasia

  • Which of the part of tongue bears cells for sour taste?
    1. Front
    2. Back
    3. Sides
    4. Middle

  • The carbon dioxide content in the air that we exhale is about?
    1. 4%
    2. 9%
    3. 15%
    4. 16%

  • Tetanus is caused by____________?
    1. Clostridium
    2. Virus
    3. Bacteriophage
    4. Salmonella

  • The metal, which is a constituent of vitamin B12 is____________?
    1. Iron
    2. Magnesium
    3. Zinc
    4. Cobalt

  • What ";Enrico Fermi"; invented?
    1. X ray machine
    2. Betatron
    3. Cyclotron
    4. Nuclear reactor

  • The type of glass used in making lenses and prism is___________?
    1. Pyrex glass
    2. jena glass
    3. Flintglass
    4. Soft glass

  • Study of Soil is called__________?
    1. Pedology
    2. Pedagogy
    3. sociology
    4. Demography

  • Which Gas is included in Fry Chips Packets for safety?
    1. Nitrogen gas
    2. Carbon dioxide
    3. Oxygen
    4. Hydrogen

  • A reptile with a four-chambered heart is______________?
    1. Snake
    2. Turtle
    3. Lizard
    4. Crocodile

  • Which creature is the symbol of Medicine?
    1. Cat
    2. Lizard
    3. Snake
    4. None of these