• The reaction between methane and chlorine in diffused sunlight is__________?
    1. Oxidation
    2. Reduction
    3. Polymerisation
    4. Radical substitution

  • Which of the following in the human body is affected by leukemia?
    1. Blood
    2. Lungs
    3. Eyes
    4. Nerves

  • Human bone does not contain_________?
    1. Calcium
    2. Chondroitin sulfate
    3. Boron
    4. phosphate

  • The term PVC used in the plastic industry stands for______________?
    1. Phosphavinyl chloride
    2. Phosphor vanadiu chloride
    3. Polyvinyl chloride
    4. Polyvinyl carbobate

  • Oil of vitriol is_________?
    1. Nitric acid
    2. Hydrochloric acid
    3. Phosphoric acid
    4. Sulfuric acid

  • Calcium sulphate is known as__________?
    1. Epsom salt
    2. Gypsum salt
    3. Blue vitriol
    4. Potash alum

  • Epsom salt is chemically known as_________?
    1. Copper Sulfate
    2. Magnesium Sulfate
    3. Ferrous Sulfate
    4. None of these

  • The element used in lead pencils is__________?
    1. Zinc
    2. Lead
    3. Carbon
    4. Tin

  • The alcohol used in the preparation of dynamite is________?
    1. ethyl alcohol
    2. glycerol
    3. glycol
    4. methyl alcohol

  • Air contains maximum amount of__________?
    1. oxygen
    2. nitrogen
    3. hydrogen
    4. carbon dioxide

  • First Atomic theory was proposed by?
    1. John Dalton
    2. E.Rutherford
    3. De Broglie
    4. D.I.Mendeleef

  • Ruby is an oxide of__________?
    1. silver
    2. gold
    3. platinum
    4. aluminium oxide

  • Bauxite is an ore of_________?
    1. copper
    2. zinc
    3. aluminium
    4. iron

  • Who created periodic table?
    1. Faraday
    2. Lavoisier
    3. Arrhenius
    4. Mendeleev

  • Earth rotates the sun in___________?
    1. 23 hours 56 min 4 sec
    2. 24 hours
    3. 23 hours 57 min 9 sec
    4. Non of above

  • Air Conditioning Controls:___________?
    1. Circulation of the Air
    2. Humidity
    3. Temperature
    4. All of The Above

  • The 2018 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine has been awarded jointly to James P Allison and Tasuku Honjo for their discovery of which cancer?
    1. Chemotherapy
    2. Radiation
    3. Surgery
    4. Immunotherapy

  • Which of the following is the most toxic gas?
    1. Carbon dioxide
    2. Carbon monoxide
    3. Nitrogen
    4. Hydrogen

  • Radon is___________?
    1. germon radio
    2. radio active gas
    3. artificial fibre
    4. an explosive

  • Which one of the following gases is readily soluble in water at room temperature?
    1. Chlorine
    2. Nitrogen
    3. Ammonia
    4. Carbon dioxide

  • Bleaching powder contains___________?
    1. Nitrogen
    2. Iodine
    3. Chlorine
    4. Bromine

  • Bleaching action of chlorine is by________?
    1. Oxidation
    2. Reduction
    3. Decomposition
    4. Hydrolysis

  • Which is the heaviest metal?
    1. Iron
    2. Mercury
    3. Nickel
    4. Osmium

  • Nail polish remover contains___________?
    1. Acetone
    2. Benzene
    3. Acetic acid
    4. Petroleum ether

  • Which one of the following is the softest?
    1. sodium
    2. iron
    3. aluminium
    4. lithium