• Material for rain-proof coats and tents owe their water proof properties to ________?
    1. Surface tension
    2. Viscosity
    3. Specific gravity
    4. Elasticity

  • Most of the ozone in the atmosphere is concentrated in the____________?
    1. Mesosphere
    2. Troposphere
    3. Stratosphere
    4. Ionosphere

  • What is the world';s warmest Sea?
    1. Red Sea
    2. Mediterranean Sea
    3. Caspian Sea
    4. Arabian Sea

  • What is the warmest Ocean?
    1. Pacific Ocean
    2. Atlantic Ocean
    3. Arctic Ocean
    4. Indian Ocean

  • What is the name of the branch of the science that studies the ocean?
    1. Oceanography
    2. Algology
    3. Phology
    4. Orintology

  • The lowest region of the earth';s atmosphere comes between the earth and stratosphere. what is this region';s name?
    1. Ionosphere
    2. Troposphere
    3. Stratosphere
    4. Mesosphere

  • The study of the weather is called____________?
    1. Meteorology
    2. Weatherology
    3. Ecology
    4. Geology

  • How many time zones are there in the world?
    1. 22
    2. 12
    3. 16
    4. 24

  • What natural phenomena are measured by the Richter Scale?
    1. Volcanoes
    2. Typhoons
    3. Earth quacks
    4. Tsunami

  • What melted rock eventually becomes lava?
    1. Iron
    2. Metals
    3. Magma
    4. Coal

  • What prevents the earth';s atmosphere from drifting away into space?
    1. Gravity
    2. Ozone layer
    3. Troposphere
    4. Ecosystem

  • Tocopherol is the chemical name of which vitamin?
    1. vitamin C
    2. vitamin D
    3. vitamin A
    4. vitamin E

  • Iodised salts contains the iodine salts of which metal?
    1. Iodine
    2. Potassium
    3. Sodium Chloride
    4. Chlorine

  • What is the name of the biggest part of human brain?
    1. Cerebellum
    2. Cerebrum
    3. Brainstem
    4. Pituitary

  • What is the rarest blood type in humans?
    1. O-
    2. O+
    3. AB+
    4. AB-

  • Who is the founder of solar system?
    1. Copernicus
    2. Newton
    3. Galileo
    4. Kepler

  • When we sleeps blood pressure_____________?
    1. Increases
    2. Decreases
    3. Remain constant
    4. None of these

  • How many rows and columns are in the modern Periodic Table?
    1. 18 columns and 7 rows
    2. 12 columns and 9 rows
    3. 7 columns and 18 rows
    4. 25 columns and 15 rows

  • What are rows in Periodic table called?
    1. Period
    2. Group
    3. Verticals
    4. Perpendiculars

  • What are Columns in Periodic table called?
    1. Period
    2. Group
    3. Verticals
    4. Perpendiculars

  • Which one is Natural Satellite?
    1. Sun
    2. Moon
    3. Venus
    4. Mercury

  • Summer solstice means__________?
    1. longest day
    2. longest night
    3. smallest day
    4. none of these

  • Oncology is the Study of__________?
    1. Onions
    2. Origins
    3. Cancer
    4. Diseases

  • How many moons does Neptune have?
    1. 63
    2. 12
    3. 19
    4. 14

  • Winter Solstice means____________?
    1. longest night
    2. longest day
    3. smallest night
    4. smallest day