• The Sun is at an average distance of about________ million kilometers away from Earth?
    1. 100 million
    2. 150 million
    3. 200 million
    4. 250 million

  • UPS is now widely use in households. What does UPS stands for ?
    1. Uniform Power Storage
    2. Universal Product Support
    3. Under Panel Storage
    4. Uninterruptible Power Supply

  • Which rays are trapped in our galaxy by magnetic waves?
    1. Alpha rays
    2. Gamma rays
    3. Cosmic rays
    4. None of these

  • According to Einsteins general theory of relativity the universe:________________?
    1. Must be expanding
    2. Must be contracting
    3. Must be either expanding or contracting
    4. Must be neither expanding nor contracting

  • There is no connection of supernova explosion with___________?
    1. Cosmic rays
    2. Pulsars
    3. The formation of heavy elements
    4. Quasars

  • Echo is a ___________ of sound?
    1. Reflection
    2. Refraction
    3. Interference
    4. None

  • Which stone floats on water?
    1. Pumice stone
    2. Lime stone
    3. Basalt stone
    4. Quartzite stone

  • According to many, including the Guinness Book of World Record,________is the world';s rarest mineral?
    1. Painite
    2. Benitoite
    3. Jadeite
    4. Taaffeite

  • Which of the following disease is spread by Fleas?
    1. Small pox
    2. Tetnus
    3. Typhus
    4. Yellow fever

  • A dolphin perceives its environment by the sense of__________?
    1. Sight
    2. Sound
    3. Both of these
    4. None of these

  • The Temperature of the surface of Sun is_______?
    1. 5,778 Kelvin
    2. 6,778 Kelvin
    3. 7,778 Kelvin
    4. 9,778 Kelvin

  • Mass of Earth is___________?
    1. 5.972 × 1024 kg.
    2. 6.972 × 1024 kg
    3. 7.972 × 1024 kg
    4. 8.972 × 1024 kg

  • How many layers of Atmosphere?
    1. 2
    2. 3
    3. 4
    4. 5

  • Density of Water is_________?
    1. 897 kg/m³
    2. 997 kg/m³
    3. 1000 kg/m³
    4. 1025 kg/m³

  • Density of Milk is________?
    1. 1.024 g/cm3
    2. 1.034 g/cm3
    3. 1.044 g/cm3
    4. 1.054 g/cm3

  • When a single month has two full moons, the second moon is called________?
    1. Super moon
    2. Blue moon
    3. Super blue moon
    4. Red moon

  • A body of land that is surrounded by water on three sides is called________?
    1. Strait
    2. Bay
    3. Peninsula
    4. Gulf

  • Frozen dew is also known as________?
    1. Frost
    2. Black ice
    3. Frozen ice
    4. Black hail

  • White bloods cells are also known as________?
    1. Thrombocytes
    2. Leucocytes
    3. Erythrocytes
    4. None of These

  • The study of fish is known as ________?
    1. Entomology
    2. Ichthyology
    3. Ecology
    4. None of these

  • The scientific study of insects is known as _______?
    1. Ichthyology
    2. Entomology
    3. Zoology
    4. Botany

  • The study of organisms and their environment is known as ________?
    1. Acoustics
    2. Ecology
    3. Ichthyology
    4. None of these

  • The scientific study of measurement is known as __________?
    1. Entomology
    2. Metrology
    3. Ichthyology
    4. Ecology

  • Moon is a__________?
    1. Star
    2. Planet
    3. A & B
    4. Satellite

  • Chemical Name of Dry Ice?
    1. Solid Carbon Dioxide
    2. Calcium Carbon
    3. AandB
    4. Sodium Oxide