• How many moons does Uranus have?
    1. 15
    2. 12
    3. 27
    4. 45

  • What do you understand by disease ";Insomnia";?
    1. Color blindness
    2. Depression
    3. Hypertension
    4. Inability to sleep

  • Frog Heart has how many chambers?
    1. 2
    2. 3
    3. 4
    4. 5

  • Which of the following is used in Pencils?
    1. Graphite
    2. Silicon
    3. Charcoal
    4. Phosphorous

  • Which of the following is a Non Metal that remains Liquid at room temperature?
    1. Phosphorous
    2. Bromine
    3. Chlorine
    4. Helium

  • Who is Considered as Father of Botany?
    1. Aristotle
    2. Gregor Joghn Mandle
    3. Theophrastus
    4. Corlous Linnaeous

  • In Eye donation, which part of the eye used?
    1. Retina
    2. Iris
    3. Cornea
    4. Optic nerve

  • Inhaled air passes through which of the following in the last?
    1. Bronchiole
    2. Larynx
    3. Pharynx
    4. Trachea
    5. None of these

  • It is observed that the total pressure exerted by air on the man of average size is around 14.7 lb wt. per square inch. But the man feels quite comfortable,. It is because of__________?
    1. An equal and opposite pressure acts from inside
    2. of the height of a man
    3. of gravity
    4. Earth pulls the man upward
    5. None of these

  • The Sun produces most of its energy by_____________?
    1. Nuclear fusion
    2. nuclear fission
    3. Burning hydrogen
    4. None of these

  • Primary cosmic rays are composed largely of very fast__________?
    1. Protons
    2. Neutrons
    3. Electrons
    4. Gamma rays

  • The time taken by Sun to revolve around the center of our galaxy is___________?
    1. 150 million years
    2. 250 million years
    3. 300 millon years
    4. 350 millon years

  • The average length of the kidney of a man is about?
    1. 7cm to 8cm
    2. 8cm to 10 cm
    3. 10cm to 13 cm
    4. 13cm to 16cm

  • In human osmoregulation takes place by___________?
    1. Liver
    2. Kidney
    3. Spleen
    4. Lungs

  • CT Scan stand for__________?
    1. Computed Tomography Scan
    2. Computer Topography Scan
    3. Computed Topography Scan
    4. Computer Tomography Scan

  • What is the average weight of Human Heart?
    1. 300 gram
    2. 350 gram
    3. 400 gram
    4. 450 gram

  • If you have ";caries"; then which doctor you have consult?
    1. Dermatologist
    2. Orthopaedist
    3. Dentist
    4. Nurologist

  • For which one of the following is the density maximum?
    1. Ice
    2. Water
    3. Benzene
    4. Chloroform

  • Which one of the following is also called Stranger Gas?
    1. Neon
    2. Argon
    3. Xenon
    4. Nitrous oxide

  • Which of the following is the hardest substance?
    1. Copper
    2. Diamond
    3. Iron
    4. Silicon

  • Pressure is measured by_________?
    1. barometer
    2. Voltmeter
    3. Lactometer
    4. Ammeter

  • Which blood cells are called ';Soldiers'; of the body?
    1. White Blood Cells
    2. Platelets
    3. Red Blood Cells
    4. None of the above

  • In Fishes excretory Product is__________?
    1. Nitrogen
    2. Ammonia
    3. Uria
    4. Carbon dioxide

  • What is the weight of the average human brain?
    1. 1.2 to 1.4 Kg
    2. 1.4 to 1.8 Kg
    3. 2.1 to 2.8 Kg
    4. 3.1 to 3.4 Kg

  • Telephone was invented by__________?
    1. Vint Cerf
    2. Charles Babbage
    3. Edison
    4. Alexander Graham Bell