• The main culprit of greenhouse effect is Carbon dioxide. But which is the second element contributing most to greenhouse effect
    1. Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2)
    2. Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs)
    3. High-fructose corn syrup (HFCs)

  • As a result of which treaty, ozone hole in Antarctica is slowly healing?
    1. Koyoto protocol
    2. Ottawa treaty
    3. Oslo Accord

  • How many meters are in one mile?
    1. 1409.34
    2. 1509.34
    3. 1609.34
    4. None of Above

  • Montreal Protocol 1987 was__________?
    1. Treaty among nations to reduce nuclear arsenals
    2. Climate control treaty

  • Disolved oxygen (DO) in water should be?
    1. 400 to 800 ppm
    2. 4000 to 8000 ppm
    3. 0.4 to 0.5 ppm

  • Why normal rain is slightly acidic?
    1. due to presence of dust in air
    2. carbon dioxide and water in clouds react to form carbonic acid
    3. Ozone depletion
    4. All of these

  • The yellow colour in photochemical smog is due to the presence of____________?
    1. Sulphur dioxide
    2. Carbon dioxide
    3. CFC';s

  • Human beings use _______ liters of pure oxygen per day.
    1. 550
    2. 2500
    3. 1,050
    4. 10,000

  • In 2013, Planck measured the age of the universe at ___________?
    1. 13.82 billion years
    2. 4.53 billion years
    3. 4.6 billion years
    4. 4.53 billion years

  • Jupiter has ________ known moons.
    1. 62
    2. 73
    3. 79

  • The study of heavenly bodies is known as_________?
    1. Astrology
    2. Astronautics
    3. Astronomy
    4. Astrophysics

  • kilohertz (kHz) is a unit which measures?
    1. Power used by a current of one ampere
    2. Electromagnetic radio wave frequencies
    3. Voltage
    4. Electric resistance

  • Which of the following does not pollute the air?
    1. Nitrogen Dioxide
    2. Sulfur dioxide
    3. Carbon dioxide
    4. none of these

  • Scientist discovered a previously undetected feature of the human Anatomy that could be the largest organ of human body?
    1. Brass
    2. Pectora
    3. Interstitium
    4. Otic

  • One Joule is equal to__________?
    1. 105 ergs
    2. 103 ergs
    3. 107 ergs
    4. 1011 ergs

  • ';Bar'; is the unit of___________?
    1. Temperature
    2. Heat
    3. Atmospheric pressure
    4. Current

  • ";Ornithology"; is the study of_____________?
    1. Birds
    2. Insects
    3. Sea Plants
    4. Sea Animals

  • How many Dynes are there in one gram weight?
    1. 993
    2. 981
    3. 250
    4. 375

  • The melting point of ice is_________?
    1. 00C
    2. 1000C
    3. 40C

  • Freezing point of water is__________?
    1. -2 °C
    2. -4 °C
    3. None of above

  • Wind always blows from area of ________?
    1. Low pressure to high pressure
    2. High pressure to low pressure
    3. Only low pressure
    4. Only high pressure

  • Density of Ice is_________?
    1. 800kg/m3
    2. 917kg/m3
    3. 930kg/m3
    4. 1000kg/m3

  • The density of Air is_____________?
    1. 0.225 kg/m3
    2. 1.025 kg/m3
    3. 1.225 kg/m3
    4. 1.425 kg/m3

  • How long does it take for the moon to orbit the earth once?
    1. 26.3 days
    2. 27.3 days
    3. 28.3 days
    4. 30.3 days

  • The distance b/w Earth and Moon is___________?
    1. 3,50,000km
    2. 3,60,100km
    3. 3,72,000km
    4. 3,84,400km