• The Mirror used in the Automobiles are___________?
    1. Concave
    2. Convex
    3. Plains
    4. Reflective

  • The Time taken for sunlight to reach the Earth is___________?
    1. 700 sec
    2. 8hrs 20 mins
    3. 8 mins 20 sec
    4. 8 mins

  • The Scientist who told “Heat is a form of Energy” was___________?
    1. Thomas Alva Edison
    2. Newton
    3. Joule
    4. Kepler

  • One Quintal is Equal to___________?
    1. 70 kg
    2. 80 kg
    3. 90 kg
    4. 100 kg

  • In Space, our Body_______?
    1. Gains Weight
    2. Loses Weight
    3. No Change
    4. Little Change

  • The Percentage of Water used for Drinking in the world is?
    1. 1%
    2. 10%
    3. 3%
    4. 5%

  • Growth is provided by________?
    1. Protein
    2. Minerals
    3. Vitamins
    4. Carbohydrates

  • Deficiency of Iodine causes:____________?
    1. Anemia
    2. Scurvy
    3. Goiter
    4. Rickets

  • Which of the following is not a water soluble vitamin?
    1. Tocopherol
    2. Pyridoxine
    3. Pantothenic acid
    4. Niacin

  • The vitamin Folate works together with __________ to produce new red blood cells?
    1. Vitamin D
    2. Vitamin A
    3. Vitamin B-12
    4. None of the above

  • Common food sources of Vitamin A are:___________?
    1. Milk, eggs, butter, cheese, cream, and liver
    2. White sugar, honey, and sugar cane
    3. Broccoli, apricots, cantaloupe, carrots, sweet potato, spinach
    4. Both A and C

  • Which of the following is a function of Vitamin A in the body?
    1. Vision, bone and body growth
    2. Immune defenses, maintenance of body linings and skin
    3. Normal cell development and reproduction
    4. All of the above

  • Vitamin C deficiency leads to:____________?
    1. Scurvy
    2. Cold
    3. Cancer
    4. Rickets

  • Most abundant color in Earth is_________?
    1. Blue
    2. Green
    3. Brown
    4. Black

  • The hard, solid rocks, whose composition or texture has been changed by heat or pressure in the Earth are called____________?
    1. Sedimentary rocks
    2. Metamorphic rocks
    3. Igneous rocks
    4. All of the above

  • One Astronomical unit is equal to how much Km in whole numbers?
    1. 160 million km
    2. 140 million km
    3. 150 million km
    4. 130 million km

  • Nearest galaxy to our milky way is ________?
    1. Messier 81
    2. Andromeda
    3. Triangulum
    4. Whirlpool

  • Approximate age of milky-way is ________?
    1. 16.5 billion years
    2. 15.5 billion years
    3. 13.5 billion years
    4. 14.5 billion years

  • Approximate age of earth is ________?
    1. 4.14 billion years
    2. 4.64 billion years
    3. 4.54 billion years
    4. 4.34 billion years

  • Approximate age of moon is _________?
    1. 4.51 billion years
    2. 4.55 billion years
    3. 4.53 billion years
    4. 4.57 billion years

  • Approximate age of sun is _________?
    1. 4.4 billion years
    2. 4.5 billion years
    3. 4.6 billion years
    4. 4.7 billion years

  • Which gas was discovered on the sun about 151 years ago during total solar eclipse?
    1. Hydrogen
    2. Helium
    3. Nitrogen
    4. Flourine

  • In which layer of atmosphere does commercial aircrafts usually fly?
    1. Stratosphere
    2. Troposphere
    3. Mesosphere
    4. Thermosphere

  • Largest moon in our solar system is ________?
    1. Deimos
    2. Ganymede
    3. Phobos
    4. Arche

  • Largest Galaxy in the Universe is_________?
    1. Andromeda Galaxy
    2. Milky-Way
    3. Spiral Galaxy
    4. Horseshoe Galaxy