• Which is the nearest star to our sun?
    1. Proxima Centurai
    2. Alpha Scorpii
    3. Beta Orionis
    4. Vega

  • Who was the first to measure the earth';s radius
    1. Galileo
    2. Copernicus
    3. Ptolemy
    4. Eratosthenes

  • Which of the following is the largest planet?
    1. Neptune
    2. Jupiter
    3. Saturn
    4. Mars

  • Which of the following planets has the smallest diameters_____?
    1. Mercury
    2. Marx
    3. Pluto
    4. Venus

  • Which of the following planets is fastest rotating planet?
    1. Mercury
    2. Marx
    3. Jupiter
    4. Venus

  • Spring tides occur on new moon and full moon days because on these days_____________?
    1. Sun, moon and earth are in a straight line
    2. Sun and earth are at right angles
    3. Sun and moon are at right angles
    4. Earth and moon are at right angles

  • Isobars are the lines connecting the places having same:___________?
    1. Pressure
    2. Rainfall
    3. Height
    4. Temperature

  • Which on of the following planets orbits around the sun in a clockwise direction?
    1. Earth
    2. Mercury
    3. Jupiter
    4. Venus

  • Which one of the following is not a unit of distance?
    1. Parsec
    2. Astronomical Unit
    3. Light Year
    4. Foot Candle

  • Constellations referred to as zodiac, are__________?
    1. Imaginary regions that encompass the path of the planets
    2. Signs of Roman gods
    3. A group of stars
    4. None of these

  • ';Black holes'; refers to_______________?
    1. Holes occurring in heavenly bodies
    2. Bright spots on the sun
    3. Collapsing object of high density
    4. Collapsing object of low density

  • The phases of the moon are partially the result of the____________?
    1. Variations in the moon';s gravitation

  • The top atmosphere of the Earth directly reflects back into space nearly what part of the total amount of sun';s energy coming to it?
    1. 10%
    2. 20%
    3. 30%
    4. 50%

  • What is the temperature at the center of the Sun?
    1. 6 million °C
    2. 10 million °C
    3. 15 million °C
    4. 20 million °C

  • What is the mass of the Sun?
    1. 1.5×10 Power 30 Kg
    2. 1.98×10 Power 30 Kg
    3. 4.5×10 Power 30 Kg
    4. 8×10 Power 30 Kg

  • An example of an abiotic component __________?
    1. Plants
    2. Soil
    3. Animals
    4. Bacteria

  • Pollutants that are introduced into the environment by human activity are called as ___________?
    1. Qualitative pollutants
    2. Quantitative pollutants
    3. Anthropogenic pollutant
    4. All of Above

  • Basidiospores are considered to be a major source of ___________?
    1. airborne allergens
    2. water borne allergens
    3. animal faeces
    4. bio-weapon

  • The species that flower are called ______________?
    1. Gymnosperms
    2. Bryophytes
    3. Angiosperms
    4. Algae

  • The instrument that measures temperature, pressure, and humidity at various altitudes in the atmosphere ___________?
    1. Barograph
    2. Radiosonde
    3. Aneroid barometer
    4. Altimeter

  • Which are the largest of the white blood cells?
    1. lymphocytes
    2. eosinophils
    3. basophils
    4. monocytes

  • The outermost layer of skin is the__________?
    1. endodermis
    2. dermis
    3. epidermis
    4. hypodermis

  • ";Elephant"; large unit of paper measurement equal to 28 by__________
    1. 23 inches
    2. 25 inches
    3. 28 inches
    4. 31 inches

  • Candela is the basic unit of_________________?
    1. luminous intensity
    2. heat producing value
    3. Thermodynamic temperature
    4. radioactive decay

  • Steradian is the unit of_______________?
    1. Solid angle
    2. Liquid angle
    3. Gas angle
    4. Plain angle