• What is the addictive drug in tobacco ______________?
    1. Ethanol
    2. Nicotine
    3. Ammonia
    4. Tar

  • How does smoking cigarettes impact the red blood cells?
    1. Decreases their ability to congeal
    2. Decreases their ability to carry oxygen
    3. Decreases their ability to reach their typical life duration
    4. Decreases their ability to cleanse wounds

  • Which of the following conditions related to smoking involves damage to the alveoli sacs?
    1. Lung Cancer
    2. Atherosclerosis
    3. Emphysema
    4. Asthma

  • Periodontics deals with _____________?
    1. Surgery of spine
    2. Ligaments restoration
    3. Dentistry
    4. Heart attacks

  • Fuzzy logic is a part of_________________?
    1. Aristotle';s philosophy
    2. Computer science
    3. Epicurianism
    4. Sophism

  • Circadian Rhythm refers to _____________?
    1. Planetary movements
    2. Formation of galaxies
    3. Human body cycles
    4. Calisthenics

  • What is it called when the Earth is closest to the sun _____________?
    1. Aphelion
    2. Perihelion
    3. Apoapsis
    4. Periapsis

  • An extremely small piece of silicon on which integrated circuits are implicated is called __________________?
    1. Card Reader
    2. Hollerith Code
    3. Feed
    4. Chip

  • The property of a substance to absorb moisture from the air on exposure is called____________?
    1. osmosis
    2. deliquescence
    3. efflorescence
    4. desiccation

  • The variety of coal in which the deposit contains recognizable traces of the original plant material is____________?
    1. bitumen
    2. anthracite
    3. lignite
    4. peat

  • Bromine is a___________________?
    1. black solid
    2. red-brown liquid
    3. colourless gas
    4. highly inflammable gas

  • what is the height of The atmosphere layer mesosphere?
    1. 85 km
    2. 50 km
    3. 40 km
    4. 10 km

  • Second layer of Earth';s atmosphere is__________?
    1. Stratosphere
    2. Mesosphere
    3. Troposphere
    4. Thermosphere

  • Border line which separates outer space from Earth';s atmosphere is known as___________?
    1. Durand line
    2. Space line
    3. Venus line
    4. Karman line

  • Places experiencing equal impact of an earthquake are called_________________?
    1. Seismic lines
    2. Seismic built
    3. Seismic plates
    4. Seismic waves

  • A man can survive without food for atleast?
    1. 1 month
    2. 2 month
    3. 3 month
    4. 4 month

  • Which of the following is a mammal?
    1. Ostrich
    2. Crocodile
    3. Platypus
    4. Duck

  • Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2)______________?
    1. helps line up cell proteins
    2. is poisonous to tissues
    3. is often needed as a catalyst
    4. aids in oxidation of glucose

  • Study of the Universe is known as___________?
    1. Sociology
    2. Cosmology
    3. Universology
    4. Petology

  • Approximately how many Galaxies are there ?
    1. 10 Billion Galaxies
    2. 100 Billion Galaxies
    3. 1000 Billion Galaxies
    4. 10000 Billion Galaxies

  • Big Bang theory explains_____________?
    1. Origin of Universe
    2. Origin of Sun
    3. Laws of physics
    4. None of above

  • Big Bang was an explosion that occurred ?
    1. 10 Billion years ago
    2. 15 Billion years ago
    3. 20 Billion years ago
    4. 25 Billion years ago

  • Which is correct order of solar system starting from Sun ?
    1. Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune
    2. Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune, Uranus
    3. Mercury, Venus, Mars, Earth, Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune, Uranus
    4. Mercury, Venus, Earth, Jupiter, Mars, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune

  • Diameter of Sun is_____________?
    1. 12 Lakh kms
    2. 13 Lakh kms
    3. 14 Lakh kms
    4. 15 Lakh kms

  • Intrinsic Semi-conductor is also known as__________?
    1. Impure-Conductor
    2. Pure-Conductor
    3. Simple Conductor
    4. None of these