• On passing through food stuff, X-ray can kill the___________?
    1. Fungus
    2. Virus
    3. Bacteria
    4. insects

  • Vitamin A is found in the____________?
    1. Green vegetables
    2. white vegetables
    3. Yellow vegetables
    4. Red vegetables

  • The protein content of edible portion of egg is___________?
    1. 13 %
    2. 13.3%
    3. 14 %
    4. 14.5%

  • Alzheimer';s disease in human beings is characterized by the degeneration of _______
    1. Kidney cells
    2. Nerve cells
    3. Liver cells
    4. Spleen cells

  • The protein content in wheat is approximately_______________?
    1. 6%
    2. 9%
    3. 12%
    4. 15%

  • Average salinity or ratio of salt as per kilogram of water of ocean is__________?
    1. 35 grams
    2. 55 grams
    3. 32 grams
    4. 42 grams

  • Sum of all ecosystems is classified as___________?
    1. Aero sphere
    2. Ionosphere
    3. Biosphere
    4. Ozonosphere

  • Pedosphere is sum of_____________?
    1. Organisms
    2. Soil and water
    3. Air
    4. All of above

  • Ice mass that covers more than fifty-thousand square kilometers of land area is classified as____________?
    1. ice sheet
    2. ice field
    3. glacier erosions
    4. ice cap

  • Evaporation from ice and snow is known as___________?
    1. evaporation
    2. sublimation
    3. hydrogenation
    4. insolation

  • What is the name of the central part of the earth?
    1. Mantle
    2. Core
    3. Crust
    4. None of the above

  • The rocks formed out of layers of sediment bonded together are known as _______________?
    1. Metamorphic rocks
    2. Sedimentary rocks
    3. Igneous rocks
    4. All of the above

  • Which one is the world’s largest mangrove forest(s)?
    1. Changa Manga Forest
    2. Sundarbans Forest
    3. None of the above

  • The point that lies directly above the source of an earthquake is known as _______________ ?
    1. Earthquake Center
    2. Epicenter
    3. Gravitational Center
    4. Geological Center

  • What is/are the basic purpose(s) of dams?
    1. Storage of water in a large reservoir
    2. Generation of electricity
    3. Control of floods
    4. All of the above

  • Which one of the following can be synthesized by Liver _______?
    1. Vitamin B6
    2. Vitamin B12
    3. Vitamin K
    4. Vitamin E

  • Which among the following is responsible for producing color of human skin ___?
    1. Insulin
    2. Vitamin K
    3. Melanin
    4. DNA

  • In which part of the eye lies the pigment that decides the colour of the eyes of a person___?
    1. Retina
    2. Iris
    3. Cornea
    4. Pupal

  • By which process copper is refined ____________?
    1. Roasting
    2. Oxidation
    3. Zone Refining
    4. Electrolysis

  • Magnalium is an alloy of_____________?
    1. Magnesium and Lead
    2. Aluminium and Zinc
    3. Aluminium and Magnesium
    4. Aluminium and Mercury

  • Which of the following metal occurs in free state ______________?
    1. Lead
    2. Iron
    3. Mercury
    4. Copper

  • The vitamin which is generally excreted by humans in urine is__________?

  • The Virus of AIDS affects the growth of_____________?
    1. Hemoglobin
    2. RBCs in blood
    3. T cells in blood
    4. Grey Cells in blood

  • The total energy of revolving electron in an atom_____________
    1. Will always be positive
    2. Can never be positive
    3. Can have any value above zero
    4. Cannot be negative

  • Muscle fatigue is caused by the accumulation of___________?
    1. Uric acid
    2. Lactic acid
    3. Oxalacetic acid
    4. Fyruvie acid